创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script


20世纪80年代,电子软体天才凯文·弗林(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)创建了英康公司,将人类带入一个全新的时代。可是在辉煌的时代开创不久后,凯文神秘失踪。在此之后,凯文年幼的儿子萨姆(加内特·赫德兰 Garrett Hedlund 饰)继承了父亲的位置,实际工作则由其他工作人员主持。萨姆天资聪颖,充满冒险精神,经常给英康的高层们惹来麻烦。这一天,他得知一间荒废已久的工作室内竟传来父亲的讯息。萨姆前去探查,结果竟进入一个全数字化的虚拟世界。这个世界的掌控者克鲁(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)与父亲有着同样的容貌,却野心勃勃,邪恶无比。萨姆被迫卷入一场充满阴谋的电子争霸战中……

You have a good night.
You're looking for someone.
What makes you say that?
Sir, the sentries downtown have recovered Flynn's light cycle.
We've traced it to its point of origin.
Prepare the light runner, Quorra.
We're going downtown.
Thank you for bringing my son to me.
You don't need to go.
I've sent him to someone we can trust.
Quorra, there is no choice.
I won't lose him again.
Chaos. Good news.
- (LIVELY CHATTER) - (POUNDING MUSIC) Relax. They're occupied.
(LAUGHTER) His name is Castor. If you want to speak to Zuse, you need to go through him.
Where's your sense of humor, my friend?
Programs are disappearing.
Soon none of us will be left.
Zuse can unite the factions, foment revolution.
- Of course Zuse can do these things.
- Grant me an audience.
Your enthusiasm is intoxicating, my dear Bartik, but Zuse's time is precious.
We shall see.