毒液 Venom Movie Script


The altar room will be safest.
- That thing can't be Ray.
- It's Ray, Sean.
Yeah, but Ray's dead.
Sean! Sean! Sean, no! No! He's baiting you.
Don't go out there. Don't go! Sean! No! Sean! Get up! Come on! Come on! Come on! Eden, it's OK.
It's OK. Eden.
You got him.
You f***ing got him.
No! Sean! No! - No! - Sean! Oh, my God! - Sean! Sean! Sean! Sean! Come on, come on.
Oh, my God! We need to stop the bleeding! Get something! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! It's not stopping! Sean! Sean! Sean! Help him, please! Please! Please! F***! He's just standing there.
How do we stop that thing, Cece?
With the baka.
Grandma says it has power over the evil, but without her, I don't know.
- It's impossible.
- No.
There has to be another way.
You know this voodoo stuff. Can't you, like, demilk him with a ritual or something?
That's real mambo work.
I only know the little things, like dolls and spells and... I can't.
He's gone again.
He didn't go far.
- I can make a doll.
- A doll? What would that do?
The evil is inside Ray's body.