毒液 Venom Movie Script


- No. I'm OK, thank you.
- Coffee?
- Sure.
- New York?
- Yeah.
That sucks. Have you ever been there?
The place smells.
I don't know what's going on with her.
She's changed.
- It started when her dad got sick.
- Well, she needs to get over that sh*t.
- About last night... - Yeah, what?
- I'm sorry, you know.
- Will you stop with that, please?
Look around.
The world's a better place without that guy.
Come on, this has got to upset you.
No. He was nothing to me, all right?
I mean, I didn't even speak two words to this guy in my entire life.
He's a redneck piece of sh*t, he got my mom drunk, and he left her pregnant.
That doesn't make him my father.
You know, the guy's dead.
When is this town just gonna shut up about it?
I mean, are you sure it was Ray's tow truck? Not a pickup, an SUV, a Miata?