战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



You install a local government.
You provide security for the people so that that democracy can take root.
We're training them up, taking them out on maneuvers.
You train up the local forces so that they can provide the security for themselves.
I mean, they're sweet kids.
They're good kids.
Good-natured. Integrational.
You know, they are very integrational as a people.
You know, I mean, they are committed to, uh... - But, uh... - Or at least you try to.
I don't know, sir, they're also lazy.
I mean, they really seem like they don't wanna be here.
They steal our sh*t and, basically, they're on drugs all the time.
I mean, they are f***ing high all the time.
Excuse my language, sir.
You do whatever you can to stimulate the local economy.
Heroin is the only thing bringing money in.
Not that I like to think where the money is going to, exactly, but money keeps the people happy, so we're rolling with that.
Can't they grow something else?
Mmm-hmm. Yeah, they could grow cotton.
Cotton would grow here.
- Why don't they grow cotton, then?
- Because the United States Congress will not allow any United States aid and development funds to be directed towards the cultivation of a crop that will end up on the world market in competition with US farmers.
- Which pretty much rules out cotton.
- Sure.