战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



Greg... I wanna take Helmand province.
I wanna take Helmand province precisely because everyone else seems to think we can't have it.
If we're gonna win the trust of this country, we can't be seen to accept that there's a whole chunk of it we can't handle.
We're here to provide security.
I say the first order of business is we secure that corner of the country everyone else seems to think we can't control.
I didn't come here to manage this war, and I sure as sh*t didn't come here to close it out.
Came here to win.
I'm taking Helmand... then I'm taking Kandahar.
What do you say to that?
All right, and another thing.
Being that this is a nation-building exercise and all, seems to me it'd behoove us to have someone in the room who's actually from the nation we're building. Don't you think?
We are here to build, to protect.
We are not here to harass, to intimidate.
We're not here to shoot first and ask questions later.
We must not be driven by fear and suspicion.
We are here, above all else... to support the civilian population.
And to that end, we must avoid killing it at all cost.
Civilian casualties cannot be seen as an unfortunate byproduct of conflict.
They must be treated as errors of the greatest consequence.
This is the war we are fighting.
It's a complex war, but it's a war nonetheless.
Let me reaffirmate that right from the get-go.
This is a war.