战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



My first car was a Taurus.
My father bought it.
What do you got?
Where you boys headed?
Back to our patrol base, sir. Sasquatch.
Where you coming from?
Where are we from in the States, or where have we just been?
Where have you just been?
- Italy, sir, on R & R.
- Ah.
R & R in Italy.
- Yes, sir.
- Well... Attention on deck!
So why the long faces?
You just got back from Italy.
I'm guessing you ate some sensational food, saw some antiquities. Hmm?
I bet you got yourselves good and drunk and bumped into beautiful girls.
So what's it like out there?
Out where, sir?
- Sasquatch, son.
- Oh, um... it's not good, sir.
You know, I mean, it's whatever.
- It's... it's okay.
- No, it's a f***ing shithole, sir.