战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



It's always seemed funny to me how a man can go from looking at a map of, I don't know, say Helmand province, to finding himself in Europe trying to persuade our friends and allies that his crazy dream is their crazy dream, too.
Bonjour, General.
Thank you.
- Bonjour, monsieur.
- Hello.
Okay, so tomorrow afternoon, you have the presentation to I'cole Militaire.
Uh... Tomorrow night, dinner with the minister of defense.
That is a gala dinner, by the way.
Just a heads-up so you can prepare yourself mentally. It's a big one.
Meetings the next day.
Then we got the night free.
- And then to Berlin.
- Yeah.
Here we go.
Obama is in Copenhagen tonight.
They wanna know if you can spare time for a meeting on Air Force One tomorrow morning.
The president wants some face time.
Now he wants f***ing face time.
F***ing dick.
So can you do that, boss?
Then we can jet across to Copenhagen at zero six.
The president's gonna be on the tarmac at 8:30.
Well, you're the keeper of my schedule, Cory. You tell me if I can do it.
Uh, okay, yeah, we can have you back in Paris early afternoon, depending on how much time you two need.
And I can shift your morning meetings.