战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



That's all the time we got.
Let's go. Come on.
Greg Pulver.
General Greg Pulver graduated West Point in the same class as Glen.
Oh, that's interesting.
Does he have security clearance?
And hadn't left his side since.
Then f***ing let him in just like you would any other f***ing person with a f***ing security clearance!
His official title was director of intelligence, but all I saw was a guy with anger management issues whose life had no meaning without Glen.
Andy Moon was Glen's tech whiz, providing the general with all forms of IT support.
- Yes, sir?
- Which Glen needed often.
- How are you?
- Pretty good, sir. How are you doing?
Uh, swell. Can you come with me a moment?
- My electric razor is... - Oh, yes, sir.
...yeah, broken.
Pete Duckman was a Navy SEAL.
Like Pulver, his job title had the word "intelligence" in it.
- What's going on?
- Boss is visiting with President Karzai.
Cool. Why so fancy?
He's a world leader.
Cool. Am I coming?