战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



I used to think that men went gray because they had stressful jobs with stressful decisions to make.
Now, I think it happens when men start to feel in their bones that the great moments of their lives... might not turn out to be quite as great as they'd always hoped.
When the real world starts creeping in.
What separates the believers like Glen from everybody else is... their ability to block this real world out.
Some people call this insanity.
Welcome to Operation Moshtarak.
We're taking the Helmand province, gentlemen, once and for all.
Moshtarak will be the largest operation yet to be conducted since this war began.
So, needless to say, it is an important one.
This whole province has been a thorn in our ass since day one.
So this here will be a definitive test in our resolve.
And that starts right here in Marjah.
If we infill teams here and here tonight, we can set up our blocking positions, hopefully draw enough wiggle room for the marines tomorrow.
- Good.
- The forecast says tonight's the night.
If we don't go in tonight, likely have to wait maybe another week.
I want Karzai to sign off on this.
Cory, can you get him on the phone?
And why these spots?
ISR is telling us these locations are where there still appears to be a concentration of movement.
Obviously, we're proceeding under the assumption that anyone who isn't a bad guy has moved on or at least hunkered down.
We've made it clear to the whole city that's the thing to do.
If I could just ask a question, General.