战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



Please, please sit. Sit.
- How are you?
- I'm fine, sir.
I've been trying to contact you.
Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well.
I understand, sir.
But did they not tell you this is urgent?
Oh, you know how everything is at the top of the mountain, General.
Everybody's urgent about everything all the time.
Everything is important.
Nothing ever really is.
There's nothing that cannot wait until morning.
This is important, sir.
We hope to launch Operation Moshtarak tonight, and I need your official consent before doing so.
- Really?
- Yes, sir.
- Why?
- Because it's your mission.
- It is?
- Yes, sir.
No one has ever asked me to approve a mission before.
Well, that needs to change.
This mission needs your consent.
If we're to win the trust of Helmand province, it demands that this mission be seen to be of your design.