Wing Chun Movie Script


Wing Chun, a woman living in a remote village often pillaged by robbers. When Wing Chun finally loses her cool and defeats them, her heroic actions stir up even more trouble in this male-based society of the time. The climactic battle to the death is a dazzler. 咏春,一个住在偏远村庄的女人,经常被强盗抢劫。当咏春最终失去冷静并击败他们时,她的英勇行为在这个以男性为基础的时代社会中激起了更多的麻烦。这场殊死搏斗的高潮令人眼花缭乱。

- Twelve.
- Eleven taels of gold!
- Twelve!
- Hey.
- Huh?
- What?
- Huh?
Look how desperate you are!
You're drooling all over her.
Bullshit, I just admire her faithfulness to her husband.
If she ends up with some dirty old man, she'll suffer.
If you want to help this lady, you've got to be sincere.
I wonder if you're really willing to part with your money.
Not willing!
- It's OK, don't force him.
- It doesn't matter. How much?
I don't print money!
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
- This five taels are for you.
- Thank you, Sifu Yim.
Take this for your husband's funeral.
Use the remaining money to go home.
Thank you. I don't have a place to go back to, can I stay with you today?
You can stay... Stay with us and I'll give your husband a proper funeral. Let's go.