Wing Chun Movie Script


Wing Chun, a woman living in a remote village often pillaged by robbers. When Wing Chun finally loses her cool and defeats them, her heroic actions stir up even more trouble in this male-based society of the time. The climactic battle to the death is a dazzler. 咏春,一个住在偏远村庄的女人,经常被强盗抢劫。当咏春最终失去冷静并击败他们时,她的英勇行为在这个以男性为基础的时代社会中激起了更多的麻烦。这场殊死搏斗的高潮令人眼花缭乱。

When someone needs a lesson from me, I'm sure to show up.
- If you lose... - If I lose, I'll call you Mum.
Great. Good boy.
Are you insulting me? Choose your weapon.
Eight Chops Sabers.
How can two little sabers fight my long and thick spear?
You'll definitely be my mistress now.
You don't deserve it.
You're more suited to being my son.
The longer the better!
The shorter the sharper!
It's no use having a long weapon.
It's between me and her, the rest of you get lost.
Wing Chun Impetuous.
Go take a ride.
Have another trip!
Just a few days and your Kung Fu has improved.
That's not all. I haven't used the impressive moves yet.
Cotton Belly!
Belly Buster!
Impetuous Chain!
Is Cotton Belly broken?
Perhaps you can call me Mum now.
Go with the flow.