不只是: How are you doing ? Good Good.... ByeBye... Small talk Topic 1: Weather 1. It's so nice/cold/rainy today. 2. It's such a beautiful morning. 3. Good weather to go for a run. 4. Can you believe this cold? 5. This weather has been crazy. a. isn't it! 可不是吗 b. It sure is. 确实是 c. Crazy isn't it. d. I can't believe it either(否定句,肯定句用too) Topic 2: 1. Your dog is so cute/ friendly. 2. I love your cat. 3. Is it a he or a she? 4. Is it ok to pet him/her? Topic 3: yard 1. Your yard looks great. 2. I love your flowers 3. Your landscaping looks fantastic! I see you working on it all the time. 4. How do you get your grass to stay so green? Topic 4: work 1. Heading to work? 2. Just getting home from work? 3. Are you working this weekend? 4. How is your week going so far? 5. I'm so ready for the weekend. Topic 5: Events 1. Did you hear about the fireworks? 焰火盛会 2. Do you know of any good Chinese restaurants? 3. Do you know of any farmer's markets in the area? 4. How about those Yankees? Topic 6: holiday plan 1. What are your plans for the weekend? 2. Any big plans for the weekend? 3. Do you have any plans for the holiday? 4. How was your weekend? Topic 7: family members 1. How's your family? 2. How's Jill? 3. How are the kids? 4. He/she's getting so big. 5. He is so active. I see him running every morning. 6. How are things with you and the kids. 7. Is everything good with you guys? 8. I see you exercising in the morning. Do you run every day? 9. Give my best to jill and the kids. End the talk. Great talking to you! I've got to make dinner. Nice chatting with you, I've got to run. Good to see you, I have to go pick up kids. Nice to see you, I have to head to work. I have to get to the store before it closes, I'll talk to you later.