Daily Records

英语随笔创建于22 Jun 14:36



2024-5 Tai Chi and Yoga


2024-4 There aren't any seats close to the stage

When you marry the right women, you are 'Comple...

get and take容易混淆的地方confusing verbs

看一个例子: I got a beer. I took a beer. got 表示别人...

2024-03 double-sided

prove(证明) => proof(证据) => probe(调查/探针)=> prob-a...

Oscar in Los Angeles

Oscar in Los Angeles 奥斯卡在洛杉矶 Oscar is visitin...

2024-02 stunt double 特技替身

stunt 特技, double 双重的,间谍


He wears a tie all the time.

Motivate yourself in the morning

How do you get out of that rut? How do you mot...

2024-01-the grilled cheese sandwich

various a variety of == various 都是各种各样的. I l...

2023-12 Pasta Problem

Pasta 意大利面食 Pasta Problem Bea is eating pasta...

2023-11 wear makeup

How may I help you? Ben, I'm not mad at you. W...

202311 I'm surprised

I'm surprised this wedding is so nice. A Weddi...

2310 Do you have any ideas for the new project

eat soup; eat lunch; 吃汤,吃午饭; take medicines,无论...

2309-World Rally Championship-WRC

世界汽车拉力锦标赛 (WRC)是与F1齐名的另一个世界顶级汽车赛事。 各队车手驾驶经过专业改装...

2023-8 Living Things can acquire a purpose

Living things can acquire a purpose. Purpose to...

2306-My English Record in Daily Work and Life


2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life



算法:各级认识的单词数量乘于系数之和,系数可以通过大数据调整。 1级 × 360 + 2级×...