Daily Records

英语随笔创建于22 Jun 14:36



学习第二语言请慢慢来 take your time


It is not the critic who counts

不应以批评者论英雄, 不应以指出强者失误或实干家可改进之处者为尊。 真正的荣耀属于那些在赛...

Quit social media 你没那么需要社交媒体

From Tedx @Dr. Cal Newport I feel like social...

2024-8 robust,pivotal and persist

persists data between requests.

If you want to develop something

If you want to develop something.If you want to...

I revere this office

I revere this office but I love my country more.

Let me tell you a secret

No one does when they begin. 让我告诉你一个秘密。没有人一开始就...

2024-7 beverage and allergic

I am allergic to carrot. There are many flavor...

2024-6 Do you have a deck of cards?

a deck of The first place player will get a p...

2024-5 Tai Chi and Yoga


2024-4 There aren't any seats close to the stage

When you marry the right women, you are 'Comple...

get and take容易混淆的地方confusing verbs

看一个例子: I got a beer. I took a beer. got 表示别人...

2024-03 double-sided

prove(证明) => proof(证据) => probe(调查/探针)=> prob-a...

Oscar in Los Angeles

Oscar in Los Angeles 奥斯卡在洛杉矶 Oscar is visitin...

2024-02 stunt double 特技替身

stunt 特技, double 双重的,间谍


He wears a tie all the time.

Motivate yourself in the morning

How do you get out of that rut? How do you mot...

2024-01-the grilled cheese sandwich

various a variety of == various 都是各种各样的. I l...

What a Great Tent!

Eddy and his son Junior are in a tent in the ...

Flat tire 爆胎

Flat Tire Vikram and Priti are on vacation 在度...

The Boxing Match

The Boxing Match Lin and her grandmother, Lucy...

This Tastes Strange

Eddy is eating something he found in the fr...

2023-12 Pasta Problem

Pasta 意大利面食 Pasta Problem Bea is eating pasta...