
adj. 狡猾的;淘气的;诡密的


(with a sly wink) It's been arranged, then?
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
That was not Augustus’s intention. He had four ten-dollar gold pieces in his pocket, which he had intended to slip the boys on the sly. With Call gone, that was unnecessary. He flipped one to Newt, then handed them to each of the other boys.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, that Gus, he would end up with her,” Lippy said. “Gus is too sly for the girls.” “I’d like to know what you mean by that,” Dish said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Yes, I met a couple,” Wilbarger said. “They were excellent horsethieves themselves. They stole my remuda back from some sly Mexicans. Are you looking for a killer or what?” “Yes, a man named Jake Spoon,” July said. “He killed a dentist in Fort Smith.” Wilbarger tucked his book carefully into his bedroll and tossed the bedroll in the back of the wagon.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Here’s the plan,” he said. “Pedro won’t bother coming to town, knowing our habits like he does. We’ll pen the prime stock and hide the skinny little rabbits up in some thicket. Then if we don’t like the looks of his army, we can skedaddle and let him drive his own soap factory back home.” Pea Eye felt deeply uneasy about the plan. When the Captain was around, things were done in a more straightforward fashion. Gus was always coming up with something sly. However, Pea’s opinion hadn’t been asked—he watched as Gus and Deets began to cut the herd. Soon Dish Boggett figured out what was happening and rode over to help them. Dish was always a willing hand except when it came to digging wells.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Some nights, laying on the porch, he felt a fool for even thinking about such things, and yet think he did. He had lived with men his whole life, rangering and working; during his whole adult life he couldn’t recollect spending ten minutes alone with a woman. He was better acquainted with Gus’s pigs than he was with Mary Cole, and more comfortable with them too. The sensible thing would be to ignore Gus and Deets and think about things that had some bearing on his day’s work, like how to keep his old boot from rubbing a corn on his left big toe. An Army mule had tromped the toe ten years before, and since then it had stuck out slightly in the wrong direction, just enough to make his boot rub a corn. The only solution to the problem was to cut holes in his boot, which worked fine in dry weather but had its disadvantages when it was wet and cold. Gus had offered to rebreak the toe and set it properly, but Pea didn’t hate the corn that bad. It did seem to him that it was only common sense that a sore toe made more difference in his life than a woman he had barely spoken to; yet his mind didn’t see it that way. There were nights when he lay on the porch too sleepy to shave his corn, or even to worry about the problem, when the widow Cole would pop to the surface of his consciousness like a turtle on the surface of a pond. At such times he would pretend to be asleep, for Gus was so sly he could practically read minds, and would surely tease him if he figured out that he was thinking about Mary and her scratchy voice.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Anyway, I’ve known you to be sly, Dish. You’ve probably got two dollars and just don’t want to spend it.” Lippy finished his concert and came and joined them. He wore a brown bowler hat he had picked up on the road to San Antonio some years before. Either it had blown out of a stagecoach or the Indians had snatched some careless drummer and not bothered to take his hat. At least those were the two theories Lippy had worked out in order to explain his good fortune in finding the hat. In Augustus’s view the hat would have looked better blowing around the country for two years than it did at present. Lippy only wore it when he played the piano; when he was just gambling or sitting around attending to the leak from his stomach he frequently used the hat for an ashtray and then sometimes forgot to empty the ashes before putting the hat back on his head. He only had a few strips of stringy gray hair hanging off his skull, and the ashes didn’t make them look much worse, but ashes represented only a fraction of the abuse the bowler had suffered. It was also Lippy’s pillow, and had had so many things spilled on it or in it that Augustus could hardly look at it without gagging.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
(a sly grin) Well. Not as of yet.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
547. With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
The... The old Queen's a sly one, full of witchcraft.
>> 白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Movie Script
The VOICES keep on, sly and creepy in the dark... 22INT -- VARIOUS CELLS -- NIGHT (1947) 22 thru thru 25 2g ...while the new cons go quietly crazy in their cells. One man paces like a caged animal...another sits gnawing his cuticles bloody...a third is weeping silently...a fourth is dry-heaving into the toilet... 26INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 26 Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy's cell. Nothing. Not a peep.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script