adj. 全部的
- All small companies will need to make savings if they are to survive.>> 45-A Clear Conscience
- you're a minority in this country, and they tell you're oppressed, and you tell them actually, no, I'm not. All the white liberal chicks and guys get all mad at me.>> 41-Do You Call That a Hat
- distractions television internet. all of these things that get in the way of you actually sitting down and doing the work and more you're able to use just a little bit of willpower to remove the distractions that are keeping you from practicing. the more likely you are to actually sit down and practice .>> 20 hours and 4 steps to rapid skill acquisition
- When she started to speak, it was not the beginning of her language acquisition. It was the result of all the comprehensible input she had gotten over those five months.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- flow ; flown , rockall (all of rock); a block of flats; too dangerous ; even ; ever;>> Taxi
- Are you all set?
你们都准备好了吗?>> Social Language- It's very nice to meet you all.>> Social Language
- You kind of put all of your eggs in one basket.
你差不多把所有的鸡蛋都放在篮子里了。>> Telephone Language- What was that all about?>> Some business dialogue sentences
- I've worked all these out.
我已经解决了所有这些问题。>> Some business dialogue sentences- I just want to make sure we're all on the same page here.>> Some business dialogue sentences
- We all agree on that.>> Some business dialogue sentences
- There is one topic of conversation that we all adore, and that's ourselves.
有一个话题是我们都喜欢的,那就是我们自己。>> ARE chat formula- they are visiting all parts of the country.>> 13-The Greenwood Boys
- The world is a mixture of people, we just need to know which hand to shake and which hand to hold. After all, that's life. Learning to hold on and learning to let go.>> Good People Give You Happiness
- Now here’s a language whose syntax evades all attempts at understanding
现在,这是一种语法避开了所有理解尝试的语言>> 96-The Dead Return- we all rushed to see it. We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.
我们都急着去看。我们不得不排队几个小时才能进去,演出开始前肯定有几百人在场。>> 89-A Slip of the Tongue- mostly we do have a simple practice plan, we do regularly and do consistently, so that we can become fluent.we need to have a way that we practice our English and stick to it, keeping do it regularly without changing. when to change is important, but changing all the time is not a good thing.it's one of the biggest things that keeps students from becoming fluent.>> Experience in learning English
- Place all the chopped vegetables into a casserole dish.
将所有切碎的蔬菜放入砂锅中。>> 87-A Perfect Alibi- The petrol had nearly all been used up. Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water. >> 86-Out of Control
- contributed toward; Everybody contributed towards Jane's present when she left the office. All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmaster's home.>> 85-Never Too Old To Learn
- All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.>> 84-On Strike
- This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.
这将在一定程度上缓解列车的压力。在很大程度上,我们都是我们文化的产物。>> 84-On Strike- MORGAN:
- F*** you, I did the body work. Whose f***in' router you think sanded out all that bondo?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- (beat) I don't know a lot, Will. But let me tell you one thing. All this history, this sh*t... (indicates file) Look here, son.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script