
adj. 挪威的;挪威语的;挪威人的


And Rafe does utter something, barely audible; something the Norwegian crewmen don't understand.>>完整场景
Hands grab Rafe and drag him onto the dinghy... In a QUICK CUT, Rafe's body is laid out on the deck of the trawler. The crewmen think he's dead. His body is stiff, his lips white; and they say so, in Norwegian... But one of the other crewmen notices a quiver in his eyelid, then quickly covers Rafe with his on wool peacoat and presses back an eyelid to see his pupils. Rafe's white lips move.>>完整场景
A Norwegian freighter picked me up. They were headed to Spain. They docked in La Rota, right beside a German ship, and told me to stay hidden below. I was afraid they'd turn me in, so I stole some clothes, jumped ship, and found a church, where the priest contacted the resistance, and got me on a freighter to New York.>>完整场景
"If no word within 36 hours", ... Contact the Norwegian Embassy in Washington.'' 250 yards to go.>>完整场景
"To Otto Munthe-Kaas, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Washington DC." "From Thor Heyerdahl, Kon-Tiki. May 17, 1947." "58 seconds south, 09 seconds west." "The raft is keeping up well.>>完整场景
You're Norwegian, right?>>完整场景
From Fife, great King, where Norwegian banners flout the sky and fan our people cold, assisted by that most disloyal traitor, the Thane of Cawdor.>>完整场景