
adj. 夸张的,言过其实的


Of course they had heard that the buffalo were being wiped out, but with the memory of the southern herd so vivid, they had hardly credited the news. Discussing it in Lonesome Dove they had decided that the reports must be exaggerated—thinned out, maybe, but not wiped out. Thus the sight of the road of bones stretching over the prairie was a shock. Maybe roads of bones were all that was left. The thought gave the very emptiness of the plains a different feel.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
From Roscoe, Joe had heard terrible stories about quicksand—in the stories, men and horses and even wagons were slowly swallowed up. He had suspected the stories were exaggerated, and the man and his animals proved it. All might be bogged, but none were sinking. The man wore a tall beaver hat and a long frock coat. Both animals had numerous parcels tied to them, and the man was amusing himself by untying the parcels and pitching them into the river. One by one they began to float away. To their astonishment he even threw away his bedroll.“The man must be a lunatic,” July said. “He must think that horse will float if he gets off some weight. That horse ain’t gonna float.” The man noticed them and gave a friendly wave, then proceeded to unburden the mule of most of its pack. Some floated and some merely lay in the shallow water.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roscoe held his peace. He could tell July was in a touchy mood—and who could blame him, with a wife like Elmira and a sister-in-law like Peach. He enjoyed his whittling but of course he was not going to whittle down any houses. July often exaggerated when he was in a bad mood.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
You cannot have an animal with exaggerated predator features without the corresponding behavioral traits.
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709. The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
B.B. does an exaggerated nod, yes.
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The Sushi Chef gives an exaggerated look of surprise, and says; SUSHI CHEF(ENGLISH) Oh, "Domo", Very good -- very good, you speak Japanese?
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His point-of-view:
landscape, swimming into focus, heat waves exaggerated by the compression of the lens.
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