
n. 瓜;甜瓜;大肚子;圆鼓鼓像瓜似的东西


- I'm Jason Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mr. Melon, will you take the ceremonial shovel?
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
I wasn't speaking to you, Mr. Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Right, Phil, but I'd just like to say... in all fairness to Mr. Melon here... it was a really big check.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mr. Melon, I'd like for you to meet Dr. Philip Barbay... who's the dean of our school of business.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
So, whatever it is that I have said here today... the point is that we are here to honor... our most generous benefactor... and newest freshman... the man who's made it possible... for us to break ground here today... Mr. Thornton Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
This is an awkward moment for me, Mr. Melon... since I realize you're a highly respected member... of our business community.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Let me get this straight, Mr. Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Remember, you're a Melon!
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Perfectly understandable, Mr. Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mr. Melon, your wife was just showing us her Klimt.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mr. Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mrs. Melon gave us strict orders... no cerveza.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Melon, I told you to clean my locker.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
- But, Mr. Melon!
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Excuse me, Mr. Melon, but we have a very long agenda.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
The Melon Patch Kids are not orphans.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
We call them Melon Patch Kids.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Mr. Melon, we have a serious offer... on your commercial property in south Florida... and we feel you should sell.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Yes, sir, Mr. Melon.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
So take it from me, Thornton Melon... if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Try your melon.
>> Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script
The BRIDE(Confined to the floor) crawls over and drags the stunned f***er across the floor, placing his melon head between the door and the door frame.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script