
v. 忘记(forget的过去分词)


“Don’t start no conversation, else he’ll stay all day,” Jake said. “I’d forgotten what a pest you are, Gus.”He had got the thorn in his thumb hobbling the horses the night before, and had been unable to get it out in the dark.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now, it seemed to him, the Captain had forgotten his own rule. Jake Spoon came home one day, and the next day the Captain was ready to go, with a crew that was just a patched-together bunch, a lot of wild cattle, and horses most of which were only half broke. Besides that, it was nearly April, late to be starting out to go so far. He had been on the plains in summer and seen how quickly the water holes dried up.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Probably all Texas horses anyway,” Augustus said. “Probably had enough of Mexico.” “I’ve had enough of it and I just got here,” Jake said, lighting his smoke. “I never liked it down here with these chili- bellies.” “Why, Jake, you should stay and make your home here,” Augustus said. “That sheriff can’t follow you here. Besides, think of the women.” “I got a woman,” Jake said. “That one back in Lonesome Dove will do me for a while.” “She’ll do you, all right,” Augustus said. “That girl’s got more spunk than you have.” “What would you know about it, Gus?” Jake asked. “I don’t suppose you’ve spent time with her, a man your age.” “The older the violin, the sweeter the music,” Augustus said. “You never knowed much about women.” Jake didn’t answer. He had forgotten how much Gus liked argument.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“His wranglers stay in it. I doubt there’s more than one or two of them, but we don’t want one to get loose to warn the big house. We best sneak in and catch them. Me and Deets can do it.” “Them vaqueros are probably drunk by now,” Augustus said. “Drunk and asleep both.”“We’ll split,” Call said. “You and Jake and Pea and Dish go get the horses. We’ll catch the wranglers.” Only after he said it did he remember the boy. He had forgotten he was along. Of course it would have been safer for the boy to go after the horse herd, but the order had been given and he never liked to change his plan once one was struck.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Nonetheless, he had chanced to look up one morning as they were trailing a herd of Mexican cattle through Lonesome Dove. He had seen a yellow-haired girl looking out an open window at them. Her shoulders were bare, which startled him so that he dropped a rein. He had not forgotten the girl, and he occasionally stole a glance at the window if he happened to be riding by. It was a surprise to think she might have been Dish’s sister.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If I was you I’d give up on them pants,” Dish said. “If you’ve got to wear quilts you best find a new one and start over.” “No, sir,” Deets said genially. “These pants got to last.” Newt was a little excited. The Captain hadn’t separated him off from the rest of the men when he told them to rest. It might mean he was going to get to go to Mexico at last. On the other hand, he had been down in the well, so the Captain might just have forgotten him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The Captain looked at him strangely, as if he might have forgotten his name, much less what he was doing there. But it wasn’t the case.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Dish Boggett felt somewhat at a loss. He had been all ready to hire on, and then this new man rode up and everyone hadsort of forgotten him. Captain Call, a man known for being all business, seemed a little distracted. He and Gus just stood there as if they expected a posse despite what Jake Spoon had said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt had heard enough lectures on the subject to have already forgotten more than most people ever know about the properties of honey. He hurried his plate to the tub, more curious than Mr. Gus about who Deets could have found.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
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