
adj. 圆形的;丰满的;全面的


I'm kind of a rounded kind of guy.
>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
THE THIEVES' FOREST - DAY A lot of hollering is going on. The THIEVES are being rounded up by the BRUTE SQUAD, a large group of large men.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
“I didn’t want to either,” Allen O’Brien admitted. “If we had gone in the trees we might not have come out.” The mules had run three miles before stopping, but because the plain was fairly smooth, the wagon was undamaged. The same could not be said for Lippy, who had bounced so hard at one point that he had bitten his tongue nearly in two. The tongue bled for hours, little streams of blood spilling over his long lip. The remuda was eventually rounded up, as well as the cattle.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I guess it’s our fault,” Call said. “We should have shot sooner.” “I don’t want to start thinking about all the things we should have done for this man,” Augustus said. “If you’ve got the strength to ride, let’s get out of here.” They managed to break the lance off so it wouldn’t wave in the air, and loaded Deets’s body on his horse. While Augustus was tying the body securely, Call rounded up the horses. The Indians watched him silently. He changed his mind and cut off three of the horses that were of little account anyway. He rode over to the Indians.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They rounded up Wilbarger’s horses and unhitched the two mules that had been pulling the little wagon. Augustus wanted to take the white rabbits, but the cage was awkward to carry. Finally Deets put two in his saddlebags, and Augustus took the other two. He also sampled the patent medicines and took several bottles of it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The thought that Gus was dead began to weigh on Call. It came to him several times a day, at moments, and made him feel empty and strange. They had not had much of a talk before Gus left. Nothing much had been said. He began to wish that somehow things could have been rounded off a little better. Of course he knew death was no respecter. People just dropped when they dropped, whether they had rounded things off or not. Still, it haunted him that Gus had just ridden off and might not ride back. He would look over the cattle herd strung out across the prairie and feel it was all worthless, and a little absurd. Some days he almost felt like turning the cattle loose and paying off the crew. He could take Pea and Deets and maybe the boy, and they would look for Gus until they found him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He was a member of the Jewish Council I'm sure he'd be just as grateful as I am Then send him to me He was rounded up yesterday I'll see what I can do Radio London, Radio London German troops In Poland are withdrawing along the Vistula The Red Army is advancing toward Hungary Mr. Szabo!
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
My third case was a Drunk and Disorderly. The trial lasted nine weeks. I rounded up 31 people who were in the bar that night.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
Most of us were rounded up, put in camps...for orderly disposal.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
45.Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places。
>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词

Some tea? -Yeah, thanks. Are you gonna come to the memorial? Tommy wants to go. You didn't like my father much, did you? Well, he kept my mom busy. That was something. That's funny, I don't... You say that he kept her busy, rather than..."He made her happy." Look, it's tough living with drunks. I put up with her 'cause she's my mom, but... You know, your dad... (SCOFFS) He's happy one day, and mean as hell the next. He'd throw me some money if he sold one of those guitars, but... It was just hard to get him to focus long enough to finish anything. Yeah. I mean, I know that he was tough to live with. I grew up with him. Yeah. But you ain't really been around much lately. Hmm, I thought... I don't know what I thought. I never thought he'd die. Just thought we'd have some more time. Was he that bad when you were younger? (CHUCKLES) When I was 11, my parents took us to this party. It was, like, a barbecue at a friend's place outside of town. And, um, he got really... You know, drunk, and... When it was time to leave, he wouldn't give my mom the car keys. He drove, and, uh... You know, we were swerving and he went to change the music on the stereo and we wrecked. And it seemed like... ...forever till the ambulance got there. He was friends with the sheriff 'cause... ...he walked. And we were all fine except for my mom. She died the next day. So... Yeah. He was pretty bad back then. Not much changes with time, I guess. I'm really sorry. Did you, uh, did you live with him after that? For a while, yeah, um... He got a lot worse, and then when my brother went off to college, that's when I moved in with my aunt. What about Tommy's mom? She just out the picture? She's alive, if you wanna call it that. She's a junkie. I never even suspected it. I knew about alcohol, obviously, but... I didn't know anything about the drugs. I just... Seems like I blinked, and I was married. I blinked again, and I was divorced, with a little boy. I blinked again, that little boy is almost five years old.I just wonder how you get things to slow down a little bit. I don't wanna blink and be in the grave. Yeah. It seems like that happens to a lot of people. (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) If you lose Your horses 'Cause they ran off When lightning struck I will come home From wherever I am Till the last one Is rounded up If you've got the blues I'll stand by you If you've got the blues I'll stand by you I'll stand by you -(TOMMY GIGGLING) -(CHUCKLES) What are you laughing at, huh? You want something to laugh about? You do? -(CONTINUES GIGGLING) -You do? -Uh-huh. -(CHUCKLES)
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script