n. 差事;差使;使命
- Jack, it's a fool's errand.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
- “I’ll stir you up if you don’t quit blabbing to me about Indians,” Elmira said. “I told you yesterday. I want to get gone a good ways before July shows up in town again.” Her eyes flashed when she spoke, as they had before she got sick. Ashamed to have angered her, Zwey began to stir the fire under the coffeepot.WHEN JULY CAME BACK FROM TOWN he was so depressed he couldn’t speak. Clara had asked him to do a few errands, but the visit with Elmira troubled him so that he had forgotten them. Even after he got back to the ranch he didn’t remember that he had been asked to do anything.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Let her rain, we’re ready,” Augustus said, taking the box of buttons from his saddlebag. “I guess it won’t stop us from playing cards.” Wilbarger had thoughtfully let them have some coffee and a side of bacon, and with those provisions and the tent and the buttons, they passed a week. A little of the hollowness left Lorena’s cheeks, and her bruises healed. She still slept close to Augustus at night and her eyes still followed him when he went out to move the horses or do some errand. Once or twice on pretty evenings they rode over to the river. Augustus had rigged a fishing line out of some coarse thread they had found in Adobe Walls. He bent a needle for a hook and used tadpoles for bait. But he caught no fish. Whenever he went to the river, he stripped off and bathed.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Though she didn’t talk, she couldn’t stand to have Gus out of her sight. At night she rolled in his blanket with him—it was only then that she felt warm. But if he stood up to do some errand she watched him, and if the errand took him outside she got up and went out too.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Lorena didn’t speak. Newt remembered having heard men comment on the fact that she didn’t talk much. Well, they were right. The only sound from the camp was the sound of crickets. His pride at having been given such an important errand began to fade.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Newt was deeply in love with Lorena Wood, though so far he had not even had an opportunity to speak to her. He was painfully aware that if the chance for personal speech ever did arise he would have no idea what to say. On the rare occasions when he had an errand that took him by the saloon he lived in terror, afraid some accident might occur which would actually force him to speak to her. He wanted to speak to Lorena, of course—it represented the very summit of his life’s hopes—but he didn’t want to have to do it until he had decided on the best thing to say, which so far he had not, though Lorena had been in town for several months, and he had been in love with her from the moment he first glimpsed her face.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- EXT. BACKYARD - DAY With a skimmer pole, Will cleans the leaves and debris out ofthe pool, but it’s a fool’s errand. The pool has long sincegone native, a shiny slick of algae on the surface, slimecovering the cemented rocks.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- From now on, I'd happily be his errand boy.>> 永无止境 Limitless Movie Script
- I got to run some errands.>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
- 292EXT -- HAYFIELD -- DAY 292 Red walks the long rock wall, nearing the tree. A squirrel scolds him from a low branch, scurries up higher. Red studies the base of the wall. Nothing unusual here. Just a bunch of rocks set in stone. He sighs. Fool's errand. Turns to go.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Here we see the California casual. Delightful and comfortable. -With this, you can run your errands... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...and still look like a lady on the go. Here we see the elegant gray, which is not just for winter anymore. -Beautifully cut... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...totally comfortable, she looks so lovely. Our next model comes to the stage bringing a little flash and glitter. And here we see midnight blue, -suitable for any formal occasion... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...while allowing for comfort at the same time. A beautiful two-piece ensemble, in beautiful midnight blue, -with sparkle and bling to match her beauty. -(CAMERAS CLICKING) (ALL GASP) (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) She's gonna be okay. Boy, I wish I knew a prayer right about now. Do you know any? No, I'm afraid I don't. But don't Judy and you go to church? I just go for the singing and she goes to see all of her friends. I sleep through a lot of the praying part. -You can go in now. -Oh, thank you. You go ahead.>> A Country Called Home Movie Script