
n. 风格;类型;时尚;字体


— through the ATTACKERS, line-backer style, sending them sprawling.>>完整场景
The FIRST GUY swings a POOL QUEUE baseball bat style.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style... 80INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- BACK ROOM -- DAY (1949) 80 A huge detergent box is filled with rocks, hidden in the shadows behind a boiler furnace.>>完整场景
INT. INSTITUTION The institution is not Spanish in style, but on the contrary it's a clinical new-age box-like structure made up of clear glass doors and walls and the color beige.>>完整场景
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE of Pai Mei SNATCHING out Elle's eye with his Eagle's Claw.>>完整场景
Like a Gordon Liu and Lo Lieh film, they do their animal style martial arts dance.>>完整场景
PAI MEI * Let's see your Tiger and Crane style match my Eagles's Claw.>>完整场景
The fighting style is now like an old Shaw Brothers film, with Pai Mei dodging at will all of her rapid sword slashes.>>完整场景
THE BRIDE * I am proficient in a combination of Tiger and Crane style. And I am more than proficient in the exquisite art of the Samurai Sword.>>完整场景
SNAPPING the barrel closed, he takes aim and FIRES both barrels -- EXECUTION STYLE -- right into her keister.>>完整场景
Yuki charges the Bride, Kamakazi style.>>完整场景
QUICK CUT TO A FLASHBACK SPAGHETTI-WESTERN STYLE back at the wedding chapel, gun pointed down at our face.>>完整场景
She has no idea where the f*** she is. WE DO A SHAW BROTHERS STYLE QUICK ZOOM INTO A CU OF HER FACE.>>完整场景
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE (That means our Heroine is remembering something, and we see it with an orange filter.) We're back inside the wedding chapel. The Bride is taking the beating of her life by four people in black suits. A black woman PUNCHES HER in the face... WE see it's the black housewife, five years earlier.>>完整场景
Getty is in a bedroom decorated in the ancient Roman style.>>完整场景
The other is rough but handsome, with the style that eventhe poorest of Italians somehow manage. This is CINQUANTA.>>完整场景
It's catalog work, but Gail's got a gift for line and gesture: she has style. Her kids draw on the floor alongside her, copying everything she does. Little Paul especially.>>完整场景

Hey, what are you doing? Hey. (SIGHS) Nothing. Just thought I, uh, lost something. What'd you lose? I don't know. You don't know what you might've lost? Guess that's gonna take you a while to find that. Is there anything that you wanted? I see you got your bag packed and waiting by the front door. -Yeah. I'm, I'm leaving. -You are. I mean, I came to say goodbye to my dad and that's more or less what I did. Well... They called and said that, um, they'd have your daddy's ashes ready if you want to take them. No. Thank you, though. What do you want me to do with them? You could keep 'em. Or you could scatter 'em someplace. You know what, I don't think I could do that. Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. Okay. (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) Should you be doing that? Hmm? This bandage is just not really my style, you know? How does it look? Not great. Do you think anyone will believe me if I said I got it in a shark attack? (LAUGHS) Hey, what time does your flight leave?
(to Drew) Do you have any more of these deli- cious cookies? A hushed silence at the inappropriateness of Joe's inter- ruption. JOE (cont'd) And a cup of tea. With milk, I think. I'd like to try it English- style. Yes, a cup of tea with milk.>>完整场景