

INT. O'HARE TERMINAL BUILDING - NIGHT P.A. SYSTEM (v.o.) ...gate twenty-three...twenty four... twenty-five... People are running THROUGH FRAME right to left.>>完整场景
So, I will see you in twenty-three hours and fifty-five minutes, hm?>>完整场景
A company, Wehrmacht, no artillery, we took twenty-three prisoners, turned them over to intelligence.>>完整场景
The 23-YEAR OLD O-REN ISHII stands before Bill and The Bride.(Bill is not clearly viewed.) THE BRIDE(V.O.) At twenty-three she joined Bill's Deadly Vipers... The 25-YEAR-OLD O-REN ISHII BEATING UP the pregnant Bride with the other Vipers... THE BRIDE(V.O.) At twenty five she did her part in the killing of eight innocent people, including my unborn daughter, in a small wedding chapel in El Paso Texas. But on that day, five years ago, she made one big mistake... POSED FIGURE of the BRIDE in all her pre-beating bridal gown glory.>>完整场景
Eleven dollars and twenty-three cents.>>完整场景