

Deets had even imagined doing it, a few times—propping a ladder against the old full moon, and stepping on. If he did it, one thing was sure: Mr. Gus would have something to talk about for a long time. Deets had to grin at the mere thought of how excited Mr. Gus would get if he took off and rode the moon. For he thought of it like a ride, something he might just do for a night or two when things were slow. Then, when the moon came back close to Lonesome Dove, he would step off and walk back home. It would surprise them all.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In a flash, as he stood half-through the swinging doors, Dish’s whole conception of woman changed; it was as if lightning had struck, burning his old notions to a crisp in one instant. Nothing was going to be as he had imagined it—maybe nothing ever would again. He started to go back out the door, so he could at least go off and adjust to his new life alone, but he had lingered a moment too long. Both Jake and Lorena looked up from one another and saw him in the door.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But I never imagined... Who authorized you to do this?
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To a degree we never imagined.
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The Chinese businesses were a huge profit center for Loeb & Loeb, but I imagined that the company's often-shoddy paperwork posed a problem for Nussbaum and his colleagues.
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He reaches for his glass of water, but Josephine already hasit for him. She watches him while he slowly drinks theentire glass, thirstier than he imagined. While he’s drinking, we...
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We need more servers than I ever imagined we'd need. We need more programmers. We need more'money. He set uV the Thiel meeting. He's set up meetings all around town.
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Oh, man, he showed me things that no one had ever imagined.
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And the world was more beautiful than I ever dreamed and also more dangerous than I ever imagined.
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- lt's not how l imagined it.
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Mother always imagined we'd join forces and invade Surrey.
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Marion... Golly, you're not a bit like what we imagined.
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- Better than I imagined.
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From movies, news, I've imagined what it'll be like to shoot a bullet into a person.
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It's everything I imagined it would be.
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No pirate I know could have imagined such a scheme.
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That I imagined her.
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