
n. 马克思主义者


Well, keep on your medication. You can never go wrong if you're a Marxist.>>完整场景
It's a prospect that seems to concern Felix almost asmuch as Gordy. Off which, as they get into the Toyota... 177 INT. ELC SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE - DAY 177 The ELC SUPERVISOR for Caguan may be a Marxist, but theclean, well-ordered office is nicely appointed, with abig-screen Sony and leather furniture. The TV's TUNED TO CNN. A photo on the wall depicts him as a younger manwearing guerrilla cammies bearing with an ELC patch andholding an AK-47. A brass nameplate reading "Supervisor" rests on a neat desk, behind which stands the man himself -- a hardened, former guerrilla fighter proud of hisposition. He's not in cammies now -- his uniform now consists of casual but nice tropical clothing and a fatRolex.>>完整场景
61 GORDY 61 has roused from his despondency, TURNS UP the VOLUME asthe report (containing visuals) continues -62 NEWS ANCHOR 62 NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) In an e-mail to the New York Times, a Marxist extremist known only as 'The Wolf,' states thatthe bombing was, quote, 'not anact of terror but an act of war, aimed at stopping your C.I.A.>>完整场景