
vi. 步行;踢;跳舞


Just as they were about to cross into Kansas, some Indians showed up. There were only five of them, and they came so quietly that nobody noticed them at first. Newt was on the drags. When the dust let up for a moment he looked over and saw the Captain talking to a small group of riders. At first he supposed them to be cowboys from another herd. He didn’t think about them being Indians until the Captain came trotting over with them. “Take him,” the Captain said, pointing to a steer with a split hoof who was hobbling along in the rear.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July didn’t see how things could get worse, since he had lost his wife and led three people to their deaths. But four days after he left Augustus, his horse went lame. Some small spiky cactus hidden by the tall prairie grass proved more deadly than a snake. A thorn worked its way far up into the horse’s hoof. July had to tie the horse down to get the thorn out, and even then he was not sure he had got it all. They were three days north of the Cimarron when it happened. Water was scarce and the horse soon too lame to ride. He led the horse, taking it slow, hoping the hoof would get better, but it did no good. The horse was lamed and could put no weight on the hoof at all.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
One day the Kiowas found a crippled cow, left by some herd. The cow had a split hoof and could barely hobble along onthree legs. The Kiowas poked it with their lances and got it in sight of camp. Then one hit it in the head with an ax and the cow fell dead. The Kiowas split open the cow’s stomach and began to pull out her guts. They sliced off strips of the white guts and squeezed out what was in them, eating it greedily. That’s what he said he’d do to me, Lorena thought. Pull out my guts like that cow.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt had heard much talk of dust, but had paid little attention to it until they actually started the cattle. Then he couldn’t help noticing it, for there was nothing else to notice. The grass was sparse, and every hoof sent up its little spurt of dust.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
# Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag # - [Ringing] - # You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda with me ## I didn't want to see a single beast from Faraway Downs... set a hoof on that wharf, Neil.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
But it's a poor war that doesn't make a decent patriot rich, so... I don't want a single beast from Faraway Downs... to set a hoof on that wharf.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
foot and hoof prints. She holds her fingers like a six-shooter.
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