
adj. 响亮的;明白的


MICHAEL, very tired, picks up the phone, and dials the number once again. He can hear the phone ringing on the other end but no one answers. Then hangs up.>>完整场景
He always goes home when he's through. Mike, keep ringing Luca's number.>>完整场景
SONNY'S LIVING ROOM (WINTER 1945) The telephone in SONNY's house is ringing. He approaches it, obviously fresh from a nap.>>完整场景
Drew gathers up the clothing and stuffs it back into his pack. He sits there for a moment, then gets up and heads for the small shops and stands ringing the courtyard.>>完整场景
Yeah, I'm gonna get back to work here... just as soon as my ears stop ringing.>>完整场景
Jake’s head was ringing, and he couldn’t see good, though he could tell the old man was gripping the shotgun like a club—he wasn’t planning to shoot. Jake got to his knees and waited until he caught his wind.>>完整场景
“I figure he’s calling bandits,” Augustus said, when the ringing finally stopped. They started for the house, and the pigs fell in with them, the shoat eating a lizard he had caught somewhere. The pigs liked Newt even better than Augustus—when he didn’t have anything better to do he would feed them scraps of rawhide and scratch their ears.>>完整场景
Grant snatches the RINGING SAT-PHONE from Amanda's hands, presses a button, and puts it to his ear.>>完整场景
Find it before it stops ringing!>>完整场景
101EXT. RIVER BANK - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT101 The three companions sprint towards the source of the RINGING.>>完整场景
The barge finishes rounding the curve, and the ringing grows LOUDER. The suspense is excruciating until finally... Their eyes widen at some horrifying sight, more horrifying than anything they've yet seen.>>完整场景
As the barge begins to round another bend. a FAMILIAR HIGH- PITCHED SOUND pierces the darkness. Muffled but unmistakable, it is the RINGING SAT-PHONE.>>完整场景
All this time, the sat-phone is RINGING.>>完整场景
We hear the RINGING move from left to right as it passes. So far, its has no idea they're there.>>完整场景
moving through the low trees. We recognize it as the back of a spinosaurus. We might think it's any random spinosaurus, except for the RINGING coming from somewhere inside it.>>完整场景
69MEXT. JUNGLE - DAY69M Still following the faint RINGING, Grant and Eric turn to find>>完整场景
69LEXT. JUNGLE - CONTUNUOUS DAY69L Paul is picking the briars out of his socks as they hike, risking tripping on every step. Then Amanda stops short. She's the first to hear it: THE SAME RINGING.>>完整场景
A phone is RINGING, very faintly. Without a word to each other, Grant and Eric decide its coming from the right.>>完整场景
We hear a phone RINGING... 10 INT. CARGO PLANE - DAY 10 A RINGING satellite phone rests on a stack of gun cases.>>完整场景
WE HEAR it ringing, then: BO DIETL (O.S.) Jordan?>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) We called him Mad Max because of his hair-trigger temper, whichcould be set off by something asinnocuous as a ringing telephone.>>完整场景
Carmine’s aid MELORA answers a ringing phone as Carmine sits at his desk.>>完整场景