
adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的


He is dirty, weary but triumphant. As he walks back through the temple to San De's chambers to report, he sees a group of people walking out the other way.>>完整场景
Arnold looks at them, his face triumphant.>>完整场景
Just then, WE HEAR the triumphant Popeye FANFARE -- Jordan looks to the TV, where POPEYE pours a can ofspinach down his gullet. Instantly, his chest and armmuscles swell to five times their size.>>完整场景
Richie leaves triumphant.>>完整场景
in the background there's a small celebration going on with SEAN, DUSTIN, the INTERNS and of course some GIRLS. Champagne is being sprayed from shaken bottles and the girls. are dancing to triumphant music.>>完整场景
Done in by the weight of those terrible tits Oh, my God There she blows Aerodynamically this girl was a mess Otto eyeballed the diva lying comatose amongst the reeds And he suddenly felt the fire of inspiration flood out of his soul He ran back to his workshop where he futzed and futzed and futzed For Otto Titsling had found his quest To lift and mould the female breast To point the small ones to the sky To keep the big ones high and dry Every night he'd sweat and snort Searching for the right support He tried some string and paper clips Hey, he even tried his own two lips Well, he stitched and he slaved and he staved and he stitched Until finally one night in the wee hours of morning Otto arose from his workbench triumphant, yes He had invented the world's First over-the-shoulder Boulder-holder Hooray Exhausted, but ecstatic Otto ran out to the diva Bearing the prototype in his hot little hand But little did Otto know At the moment of his greatest triumph lurking under the diva's bed was none other Than the very worst of the French patent thieves Phillipe de Brassiere And PhiI was watching the scene with a great deal of interest later that night white our Aida slept into the wardrobe Phillipe softly crept He fumbled through knickers and corsets galore Till he found Otto's tit sling and he ran out the door Crying, ''Oh, my God What joy, what bliss'' ''Im gonna make me a million from this'' ''Every woman in the world will want to buy one'' ''I will have all the goods'' ''Manufactured in Taiwan'' Ooh !>>完整场景
Then with a triumphant expression she rips the page out of the book.>>完整场景
Triumphant, perhaps, but not happy.>>完整场景
He wades upstream, ripping his clothes from his body. He gets his shirt off, spins it through the air over his head, flings the shirt away. He raises his arms to the sky, turning slowly, feeling the rain washing him clean. Exultant. Triumphant. A FLASH OF LIGHTNING arcs from horizon to horizon.>>完整场景