
adj. 使用中的,忙碌的


Plus, maintain daily streaks by signing into the Academy website regularly. It’s a simple, effective approach to keep you motivated and engaged in your language-learning adventure.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
That singer, who sings soul music, got engaged.
>> 2024-6 Do you have a deck of cards?
I got engaged!
>> 2024-6 Do you have a deck of cards?
Tractors engaged.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[As he draws out his katana and reversibly wields it.]地球の半分 サノスにやられた... お前はなぜ無事なの…(Romanized:Chikyū no hanbun sanosu ni yarareta... Omae wa naze buji nano...) (English:You survived... Half of the planet didn't. They got Thanos... you get me.) [Both sides engaged in combat as Ronin pierces his stomach, but doing only minor damage to him.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
Sidi... I love you It will not complete Can not be completed ! This is illogical With you, the investigator has been giving you permission engaged ! Shot Are you okay? - For - O client has been canceled your comment Thank you, sir Your job has been canceled It is unlocked now Thank you, sir "(We have managed it, I've been able to (Alexander Pearce" Where?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
...Sir - No, it went too far in the matter - . I know him He would not abandon them now "We have to engage them" permission engaged, sir?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
"Permission engaged?"
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
...It really did not see it ...Do not know where he is "It is to go" Will give it another five minutes If you do not appear will kill the woman and go permission engaged? - Not now - ! Please - I do not want to hear another word from you - It will not kill her Pierce) will come) Him to come Well, we do No, Sakina "fire on the target?"
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
You and this broad were practically engaged at one point.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
Your enduring faithfulness. Now, tell me truly. When you found out he was gone, did you get engaged to your prince that same hour, or did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead?
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
In the early spring, while the weather was still chancy, fifteen horses disappeared one night. It was only by luck that the theft was discovered, for in such a place at such a time horsethieves were the last thing they were expecting. Call had taken the precaution of going with Old Hugh to two or three of the nearest Indian camps to meet the chiefs and do the usual diplomacy, in the hope of preventing the sort of surprise encounter that had proven deadly for Gus. The visits made him sad, for the Indians were not belligerent and it was apparent that Gus had merely struck the wrong bunch at the wrong time, in the wrong manner. It was a depressing irony, for Gus had always been one to preach diplomacy with the red man and over the years had engaged in many councils that Call himself thought pointless. Gus had talked to many a warrior that Call would merely have shot, and yet had got killed in a place where most of the Indians were happy to talk, particularly to a man who owned an endless supply of beef.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Keep him and do what with him?” “What do you care?” Clara said. “You’re engaged. You can ride all over the country with a pretty girl, I guess I can be allowed a man. I’d forgotten how jealous you were. You were jealous of Jake and I did little more than flirt with Jake.” “To hear him talk, you did,” Augustus said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“No, ma’am,” Roscoe said. “I was never even engaged.” “In other words you’ve went to waste,” Louisa said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science.
>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
EDITH GREENSLY: Oh, you've got a fiancée. You're engaged.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
I don't see the impact as being through direct exposure - of United States companies... - So, so you're not worried about the exposure through derivatives that, for example, put our banks, deeply engaged on the question of commodity prices or other financial transactions more direct?
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
But you’re wrong. I do know you, at least by reputation. Edward Bloom from Ashton. See, I’m actually engaged to aboy from Ashton. Don Price. He was a few years older than you.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
No I’m sorry, I...I’m engaged to bemarried.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Yes. He claims to have been engaged in some manner by the enemy.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
(to SAM) His mirror engaged?
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
My mirror engaged, sir.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
Seated up close, their heads craned looking up at the screen, Julie and Betsy sit together and Lipsky monitors David’s reactions. David is an ideal spectator, totally engaged with a child-like guilelessness that Lipsky finds endearing.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
Lipsky tries to reclaim the phone a couple of times during the following but David, engaged in a power play, retains
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script