

“Kill him tomorrow,” Blue Duck said, looking at Ermoke. “Take some of the horses and go find some help.” Ermoke was drunk and angry. “We do it,” he said. “Then we take the woman.” “The hell you will,” Dog Face said. “We’re in on this and she’s half ours, and you ain’t taking her nowhere.” “You shut up, or I’ll kill you like I killed that chigger,” Blue Duck said.“You get some help,” he said again, looking at Ermoke. “I doubt you five can kill that old man.” “Hell, what is he?” Monkey John said. “Five against one’s nice odds.” “These five can’t shoot,” Blue Duck said. “They can whoop and holler, but they can’t shoot. That old man can.” “That makes a difference,” Dog Face agreed. “I can shoot. If he gets past Ermoke, I’ll finish him.” “Somebody better settle him,” Blue Duck said. “Otherwise you’ll all be dead.” The Kiowas stood up and drug the dead boy away. Lorena heard them arguing in the darkness. Blue Duck sat where he was, his rifle across his lap; he seemed half asleep.>>完整场景
After that, holler.>>完整场景
Well, um, if you have any more questions, just holler.>>完整场景
170EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 170 The new fish disembark, chained together single-file. The old- timers holler and shake the fence. A deafening gauntlet.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound... 31INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1947) 31 LOUD BUZZER. The master locks are thrown -- KA-THUMP! The cons step from their cells, lining the tiers. The GUARDS holler their head-counts to the HEAD BULL, who jots on a clipboard.>>完整场景