
n. 害怕;担心;恐惧;敬畏


And show no fear.>>完整场景
And a pirate's greatest fear will be Salazar, is it?>>完整场景
But betray the compass... And it releases your greatest fear.>>完整场景
But now you come to me with fear.>>完整场景
No, no. No need to fear me boy.>>完整场景
Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?>>完整场景
Do you fear death?>>完整场景
I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost.>>完整场景
James Norrington. Do you fear death?>>完整场景
I fear there may be a traitor among them.>>完整场景
If we cannot escape these doldrums before night, I fear we will sail on trackless seas.>>完整场景
There's an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear.>>完整场景
Where waves aren't measured in feet, but as increments of fear, and those who pass the test become legend.>>完整场景
Do you not fear death?>>完整场景
Do you fear that dark abyss?>>完整场景
Do you fear death?>>完整场景
I shall have a look at that map. If it's what I fear.>>完整场景
I did not notice any fear in the eyes of the Spanish as they passed us by.>>完整场景
- Or be ready to purpose your fear.>>完整场景
What do the men fear ? Say it ! Speak the words !>>完整场景
Blackbeard. Edward Teach. The pirate all pirates fear.>>完整场景
Yamamoto bows, sits, and looks across the table at his friend Genda, who can't hide his fear. Yamamoto glances to the far end of the table where NISHIKURA, chief of the War Council, sits glowering. (Their discussion is in Japanese, with subtitles.)>>完整场景
The collapse of the venerable New York bank follows a tumultuous few months of market volatility, and fear for the world economy... I gotta see inside how?>>完整场景
- Maybe they should fear you.>>完整场景
- Now they'll fear you.>>完整场景