
adj. 一文不名的,破产的


“If you’d like to sing or something, do it,” Call said. Allen stood a moment, started singing an Irish song in a quavering voice, then broke down crying and couldn’t finish it.>>完整场景
“Dern it, come on!” Jake said. “This ain’t no place to sit out a lightning storm.” Every time he pulled, the tightness inside her broke out a little and she struck at him. The first blow hit him in the eye and he slipped and sat down in the mud. Then it was dark. When the lightning flashed again, she saw Jake trying to get up, a look of surprise on his face. But he grabbed her in the darkness and began to drag her away from the tree. She kicked at him and they both went down, but a bolt struck so loud and so near that she forgot to fight. She let him pull her toward the river, dragging the tarp. Another bolt hit so near it shook the ground, almost causing Jake to fall in the water. There was not much overhang to the bank, and the tarp was so muddy he could barely drag it, but he pulled it over them and sat close to her, shivering. In the flashes the light was so bright that she could see every wavelet on the river. She wondered where the turtle was, but before she could look it was pitch-dark again. In the next flash she saw the horses jumping and trying to shake off their hobbles. She shut her eyes but when the bolts hit she felt the light on her eyelids.>>完整场景
“You’ve got that calf broke,” July said. “You could probably saddle him and ride him if you wanted to.” “I milked,” Joe said. He got the pail, and the two walked to the cabin together. It was a fairly good cabin, although it didn’t yet have a wood floor—just well-packed dirt. July felt bad about bringing his bride to a cabin without a wood floor, but being sheriff didn’t pay much and it was the best he could do.>>完整场景
Now, it seemed to him, the Captain had forgotten his own rule. Jake Spoon came home one day, and the next day the Captain was ready to go, with a crew that was just a patched-together bunch, a lot of wild cattle, and horses most of which were only half broke. Besides that, it was nearly April, late to be starting out to go so far. He had been on the plains in summer and seen how quickly the water holes dried up.>>完整场景
“Dern,” Call said. “Last time we was through here there was two or three hundred horses.” “Maybe Pedro’s going broke,” Augustus said. “Mexicans can go broke, same as Texans. What’d you do with the vaqueros?” “We didn’t find none. We just found two Irishmen.” “Irishmen?” Augustus asked.>>完整场景
“Since you’ve not bothered to murder us, I’ll introduce myself,” he said. “I’m Allen O’Brien and this is young Sean.” “Are those your only animals?” Call asked. “Just a donkey and a mule?” “We had three mules to start with,” Allen said. “I’m afraid our thirst got the better of us. We traded two mules for a donkey and some liquor.” “And some beans,” Sean said. “Only the beans were ho good. I broke my tooth trying to eat one.” It was Call’s turn to sigh. He had expected vaqueros, and instead had turned up two helpless Irishmen, neither of whom even had an adequate mount. Both the mule and the donkey looked starved.>>完整场景
“I figure he’s a liar,” Augustus said. “A man that went to Yale college wouldn’t need to trail cattle for a living.” “How do you know?” Call said. “Maybe the family went broke. Or maybe he just wanted an outdoor life.” Augustus looked skeptical. It was a shock to think there was someone in town more educated than himself.>>完整场景
Wilbarger looked enviously at Augustus’s jug. “By God, I bet that ain’t persimmon juice you’re drinking,” he said. “I wish I could afford an easy life.” “If you was to dismount and stop scaring my pigs you’d be welcome to a drink,” Augustus said. “We can introduce ourselves later.” The shoat got up and walked right under the black horse, which was well broke enough that it didn’t move. Wilbarger was more shocked than the horse. In fact, Augustus was shocked himself. The shoat had never done such a thing before, though he had always been an unpredictable shoat.>>完整场景
“He found that cap in the fifties, to the best of my recollection,” Augustus said. “You know Deets is like me—he’s not one to quit on a garment just because it’s got a little age. We can’t all be fine dressers like you, Jake.” Jake turned his coffee eyes on Augustus and broke out another slow grin. “What’d it take to get you to whip up another batch of them biscuits?” he said. “I’ve come all the way from Arkansas without tasting a good bite of bread.” “From the looks of that pony it’s been fast traveling,” Call said, which was as close to prying as he intended to get. He had run with Jake Spoon off and on for twenty years, and liked him well; but the man had always worried him a little, underneath. There was no more likable man in the west, and no better rider, either; but riding wasn’t everything, and neither was likableness. Something in Jake didn’t quite stick. Something wasn’t quite consistent. He could be the coolest man in the company in one fight, and in the next be practically worthless.>>完整场景
Jake’s eyes were the color of coffee, and he wore a little mustache. He looked them all over for a moment, and then broke out a slow grin.“Howdy, boys,” he said. “What’s for breakfast?” “Why, biscuits and fatback, Jake,” Augustus said. “The usual fare. Only we won’t be serving it up for about twenty-four hours. I hope you’ve got a buffalo liver or a haunch of venison on you to tide you over.” “Gus, don’t tell me you’ve et,” Jake said, swinging off the bay. “We rode all night, and Deets couldn’t think of nothing to talk about except the taste of them biscuits you make.” “While you was talking, Gus was eating them,” Call said. He and Jake shook hands, looking one another over.>>完整场景
“I don’t think you could hit that bucket if you was sitting on it,” Augustus said. “I’ve seen you shoot. You ain’t the worst shot I ever knew that would be Jack Jennell but you run him a close race. Jack went broke as a buffalo hunter quicker than any man I ever knew. He couldn’t have hit a buffalo if one had swallowed him.” Bolivar went out the door with the bucket, looking as if it might be a while before he came back.>>完整场景
Once they safeguarded it so well on Saturday night that they ran it off its rail on Sunday morning and broke two legs off it.>>完整场景
- Yes. No matter how broke I am.>>完整场景
Either they're honest and broke, or crooks that never come home.>>完整场景
10. Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.>>完整场景
10. Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.>>完整场景
That I did. Broke pretty good, huh?>>完整场景
One of the biggest stories that ever broke.>>完整场景
We'll be broke in four weeks.>>完整场景
[music] Why do fools [music] I heard she broke up with that dumb jock.>>完整场景
The Kimmie I met was broke, a single mom on the balls of her ass. Three months behind on her rent with an eight year old son!>>完整场景
MARGARET ROSE: (whispers) Daddy, who broke our rocking horse?>>完整场景
RICHIE DIMASO: (stares at Irving) I thought you guys broke up. I'm giving you a compliment.>>完整场景
15 CUT TO: Edith WATCHES A COSMO COVER SHOOT --15 SYDNEY PROSSER (V.O.) I was broke, fearless, with nothingto lose -EXT./ INT. POOL PARTY - LONG ISLAND HOUSE - DAY Irv and Sydney dance slowly.>>完整场景
Oil... - I cannot believe you broke it already.>>完整场景