n. 步法,步态
- As they walk, we may or may not notice how they always: 1) Avoid dry leaves and sticks 2) Walk heel to toe 3) Distribute their weight evenly 4) Keep their arms close to their sides 5) Breathe steadily 6) Match the cadence of each other’s gait EXT. LAKE - MORNING Will sits into a small ROW-BOAT with no paddles. He hides his trembling hands. Doesn’t want his father to know he’s scared.>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
- “If they did they’re lucky,” Augustus said. “They won’t get too many chances to see such beauties as us.” He laughed and got up to make the coffee.NEWT COULDN’T GET JAKE out of his mind—how he had smiled at the end and given him his horse. He rode the horse every third day and liked his gait so much that he soon became his favorite horse. Jake hadn’t told him what the horse’s name was, which worried Newt. A horse needed a name. Jake’s hanging had happened so quickly that it was hard to remember—it was like a terrible dream, of the kind you can only remember parts of. He remembered the shock it had been to see Jake with his hands tied, sitting on his horse with a noose around his neck. He remembered how tired Jake looked, too tired even to care that he was going to be hung. Also, nobody talked much. There should have been some discussion, it seemed to Newt. Jake might have had a good excuse for being there, but nobody even asked him for it.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- They started Wilbarger’s horses west across the dark prairie in the direction the cattle should be. Captain Call led, Augustus and Deets rode to the sides, and Pea Eye and Newt brought up the rear. Newt had to admit that Jake’s horse had a beautiful smooth gait, but even so he wished he hadn’t changed horses—not so soon. It seemed wrong to be enjoying Jake’s horse, and his fine saddle too, after what had happened. But he was tired, so tired he didn’t even feel the sadness for very long. Soon his head dropped and he sat on the pacing gelding, sound asleep. Pea Eye noticed and trotted close beside him so he could catch the weary boy if he started to fall off.
他们让威尔伯格的马向西穿过黑暗的草原,朝牛群应该去的方向前进。卡尔上尉领着马,奥古斯都和迪茨骑马到两边,皮眼和纽特跟在后面。纽特不得不承认,杰克的马步态优美流畅,但即便如此,他还是希望自己没有换马——不要这么快。在发生了这件事之后,享受杰克的马,还有他那漂亮的马鞍,似乎是不对的。但他累了,太累了,他甚至没有长时间感到悲伤。很快,他垂下头,坐在踱步的凝胶上,睡得很熟。Pea Eye注意到了这一点,并在他身边小跑,这样他就可以抓住那个疲惫的男孩,如果他开始摔倒的话。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “Newt, why don’t you take this pony?” he said, looking at the boy. “He’s a pacer—you won’t find no easier gait. And the rest of you boys divide what money’s in my pocket.”He smiled at the thought of how surprised they would be when they saw how much he had—it was that lucky week in Fort Worth he had to thank for it.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I wish he’d had the sense to stay with Lorie,” Augustus said. “She might have aggravated him some, but she wouldn’t have led him to this.” “It’s his dern laziness,” Call said. “Jake just kind of drifts. Any wind can blow him.” He touched the mare and rode on—he didn’t need Deets in order to follow the tracks of nearly thirty horses. He put the mare into a slow lope, a gait she could hold all day if necessary.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “More dead to tidy up,” he said, dismounting. He had given Lorena Roscoe’s horse, which had an easy gait, and was riding on the best of the Indian ponies, a skinny paint.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Then, for no reason, between one stride and the next, the Hell Bitch suddenly rolled out of her easy gait into a flying buck.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- THE FIRST DIFFERENCE Newt noticed about being grown up was that time didn’t pass as slow. The minute they crossed the river the Captain struck southeast in a long trot, and in no time the land darkened and they were riding by moonlight, still in a long trot. Since he had never been allowed in Mexico, except once in a while in one of the small villages down the river when they were buying stock legitimately, he didn’t really know what to expect, but he hadn’t expected it to be quite so dark and empty. Pea Eye and Mr. Gus were always talking about how thick the bandits were, and yet the seven of them rode for two hours into country that seemed to contain nothing except itself. They saw no lights, heard no sounds—they just rode, across shallow gullies, through thinning chaparral, farther and farther from the river. Once in a while the Captain stepped up the pace and they traveled in a short lope, but mostly he stuck with the trot. Since Mouse had an easy trot and a hard lope, Newt was happy with the gait.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- INT. GETTY MANSION -- NIGHT Getty wanders the halls of his mansion, his gait unsteady.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script