
adj. 中间的,中部的;中级的,中等的


He left Jake sleeping and strolled down the middle of Hat Creek. As he passed the corrals, he saw Dish straining at the windlass to bring a big bucket of dirt out of the new well. Call was in the lot, working with the Hell Bitch. He had her snubbed to a post and was fanning her with a saddle blanket. Dish was as wet with sweat as if he’d just crawled out of a horse trough. He’d sweated through the hatband of his hat, and had even sweated through his belt.>>完整场景
That much slow progress would have discouraged most women, but Lorena didn’t allow her mind to dwell on it. She had her flat days, of course, but that was mostly because Lonesome Dove itself was so flat. She got tired of looking out the window all day and seeing nothing but brown land and gray chaparral. In the middle of the day the sun was so hot the land looked white. She could see the river from her window, and Mexico. Lippy told her she could make a fortune if she cared to establish herself in Mexico, but Lorena didn’t care to. From what she could see of the country it didn’t look any more interesting than Texas, and the men stunk just as bad as Texans, if not worse.>>完整场景
Fortunately it only rained in Lonesome Dove once or twice a year, so the loss of the roof didn’t result in much suffering for the stock, when there was stock. It mostly meant suffering for Call, who had never been able to locate enough decent lumber to build a new roof. Unfortunately a rare downpour had occurred only about a week after the wind dropped the old roof in the middle of Hat Creek. It had been a real turd-floater, and also a lumber-floater, washing much of the roof straight into the Rio Grande.>>完整场景
It's like Makohe has an excuse, she's from Rapa Nui, it's a really remote island in the middle of the Pacific.>>完整场景
We were adrift in the middle of nowhere.>>完整场景
Quit in the middle of a story right when it's snowballing like this?>>完整场景
Then we sat down to a little poker game, and you started bothering me, right in the middle of a hand.>>完整场景
So go ahead, set up base camp here, in a swamp, or in the middle of a Rex nest.>>完整场景
The rex stands majestically in the middle of the lobby, both skeletons swept away, SNAPPING like matchsticks as they settle around the animal.>>完整场景
The raptor crouch in their pre-attack stance - - The group is caught in the middle of the two approaching raptors.>>完整场景
Grant gets Tim out from under the skeleton. Lex joins them. They back away from the raptor, approaching from the left side. They back up towards the large rock in the middle of the room holding the other skeleton.>>完整场景
Grant, alone in the middle section, looks up and sees the cable about to SNAP - - he falls! The large section of the skeleton comes careening down, heading straight for Tim, who lays where he fell on the ground. It comes SMASHING down. . . with just enough space for him to be safe.>>完整场景
Grant and Tim twirl on the middle section. Tim begins to slide down. Grant tries to hold on to him - - but Tim loses his grip and falls to the ground right underneath the swinging, large middle section of the dinosaur skeleton.>>完整场景
The raptor flies out and lands on the back of the middle section of the skeleton. SNAP! It CRACKS apart with the weight, sending the sections spinning in all different directions.>>完整场景
Grant lands on the main body in the middle with Tim. And the raptor watches them.>>完整场景
Tell them to send the damn helicopters - - Suddenly Grant stops in the middle of his sentence. A SCREAM cuts in, then three GUNSHOTS, fast, and a horrible CLUNKING as the phone is dropped.>>完整场景
A raptor's head pops into view, visible through the round window in the middle of the restaurant door.>>完整场景
Tim nods in fascination. The T-rex pauses in the middle of its meal and ROARS.>>完整场景
JOHN HAMMOND sits at the table, alone. There is a bucket of ice cream in the middle, and he's eating a dish of it, staring down morosely.>>完整场景
GRANT (cont'd) Might be kind of slow, but it can't be more than three or four miles. I'd hoped the rex finished feeding by now, but let's not kid ourselves. Did you know a carnivore can eat up to 25% of its body weight in (about) one sitting, so he's probably just ready to move on to the main course by now -- He stops in the middle of the sentence, noticing he's alone. He turns around. Now both kids have scampered all the way back into the culvert, terrified.>>完整场景
SPLAT! A big glob of something wet SMACKS into the middle of Nedry's chest. He reaches down and touches the goo that's dribbling down his slicker.>>完整场景
They watch in horror as the T-rex steps over the ruined barrier and into the middle of the park road. It just stands there for a moment, swinging its head from one vehicle to the other.>>完整场景
58EXTTYRANNOSAUR PADDOCKNIGHT BAAA! The goat that was brought up from the underground earlier is still tethered in the same place, BLEATING in the pouring rain The two explorers sit still in the middle of the road. A man's form races back from the front car to the rear car.>>完整场景
51 THRUOMITTED: 52 53INTREAR CARNIGHT GRANT and MALCOLM still wait in their car. They don't notice, but the video screen in the middle of their front console suddenly goes black.>>完整场景
It has a large green dollar sign in the middle. A big word appears on screen, an option surrounded by forbidding red box.>>完整场景