
n. 赌徒;投机商人


I've cleared it through the Senator's chief aide, a man named Turnbull. Turnbull's a heavy gambler, and into us for over a hundred grand, so I figure his information is reliable.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
“There ain’t but one other madam, and she’s just as bad,” Nellie said. “You sure you won’t come next door? I got to find a customer.” “I guess you better bribe that gambler, if that’s the situation,” Augustus said. “Give him five and Rosie five and keep the rest for yourself.” He handed her twenty dollars.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He ain’t hurt,” Augustus assured the girl. “Would you like a sip of whiskey?” “Yeah,” the girl said, and when the bartender brought a glass, quaffed the whiskey Augustus poured her. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the gambler, though. He had managed to breathe again, and was standing by the bar, holding his chest.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus paid him no more attention. The girl, after a moment, sat down, though she kept glancing nervously toward the gambler. A big mule skinner shoved him unceremoniously off the table, and he was now on his hands and knees, still trying to get his breath.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus hit the man in the chest so hard that he was knocked back onto the next table, amid three or four mule skinners. The mule skinners looked up in surprise—the gambler had the wind knocked out of him so thoroughly that he waved his arms in the air, his mouth open, afraid he would die before he could draw another breath.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I won’t have a slut interrupting my play,” the gambler said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Sit down, miss,” he said. Then he turned to the gambler. “You scoot,” he said. “I don’t gamble with men who mistreat women.” The gambler had a ferretlike expression. He ignored Augustus and glared at the girl. “What have I told you?” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Now, here,” Augustus said. “There’s no excuse for that. The young lady was talking perfectly polite.” “She ain’t a lady, she’s a tart, and I won’t have her interfering with our pleasure,” the gambler said.Augustus stood up and pulled out a chair for Nellie.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The gambler, to Augustus’s surprise, suddenly cuffed the girl—it was not a hard blow, but it surprised and embarrassed her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Now, Nellie, leave us be,” the gambler said. “We were about to go have a game.” Before the girl could answer, one of the mule skinners at the next table toppled backwards in his chair. He had gone to sleep with the chair tilted back, and he fell to the floor, to the amusement of his peers. The fall did not wake him—he sprawled on the saloon floor, dead drunk.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You look like a man who could tolerate a game of cards,” the gambler said. “My name is Shaw.” “Two-handed gambling don’t interest me,” Augustus said. “Anyway, it’s too rackety in here. It’s hard work just getting drunk when things are this loud.” “This ain’t the only whiskey joint in town,” Mr. Shaw said. “Maybe we could find one that’s quiet enough for you.” Just then a girl walked in, painted and powdered. Several of the mule skinners whooped at her, but she came over to where Augustus sat. She was skinny and could hardly have been more than seventeen.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He went into one that had a huge rack of elk horns over the door and a clientele consisting mostly of mule skinners who hauled freight for the Army. None of the Hat Creek outfit was there, though he had seen a couple of their horses tied outside. They had probably gone straight to the whorehouse next door, he concluded. He ordered a bottle and a glass, but the boisterous mule skinners made so much racket he couldn’t enjoy his drinking. A middle-aged gambler with a thin mustache and a greasy cravat soon spotted him and came over.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“She’s hunting Dee, I’d say,” Jennie said. “Did you know Dee?” “Why, no,” July said. “I was told he died of smallpox.” Jennie chuckled. “Dee ain’t dead,” she said. “He’s in Ogallala. There’s a gambler sitting right over there who seen him not two months ago.” “Where?” July asked, and Jennie pointed to a pudgy man in a white shirt and black coat who sat alone at a table, shuffling cards.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call glanced around in time to see the glass shatter. Augustus had always been a wonderful pistol shot—it was pleasing to see he still was. All of the cardplayers scurried for cover except a fat man in a big hat. Looking more closely, Call remembered him—his name was Ned Tym, and he was a seasoned gambler, too seasoned to be disturbed by a little flying glass. When it stopped flying, Ned Tym coolly took his hat off and blew the glass from the brim.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It made her smile to think of finding Dee. While July tracked one gambler, she would track another, in the opposite direction. When July got back, with or without Jake, and discovered that his wife was gone, it might surprise him so much he would even forget to drink his buttermilk.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“There could be a fight,” July said, remembering that Jake Spoon was said to have difficult friends. “I don’t expect it, but you never know with a gambler.” “I don’t reckon they’d shoot a boy,” Elmira said. “You take Joe. He’s got to grow up sometime.” Then, to escape the stuffy cabin, she went outside and sat on a stump for a while. The night was thick with fireflies. In alittle while she heard July come out. He didn’t say anything. He just sat.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If Jake gets killed, tell her I will come,” Xavier said—there was always that prospect. After all, he had only met Therese because her first husband had fallen off a roof and broken his neck. A man like Jake, a traveler and a gambler, might meet a violent end at any time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I am a gambler, but that’s one I didn’t figure to gamble on,” Jake said. “I just went out the back door and left, hoping July would get too busy to come after me.” “July’s the sheriff?” Gus asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Yeah, but I’m just a gambler,” Jake said. “They all like to think they’re respectable back in Arkansas. Besides, the dentist’s brother was the sheriff, and somebody told him I was a gunfighter. He invited me to leave town a week before it happened.” Call sighed. All the gunfighter business went back to one lucky shot Jake had made when he was a mere boy starting out in the Rangers. It was funny how one shot could make a man’s reputation like that. It was a hip shot Jake made because he was scared, and it killed a Mexican bandit who was riding toward them on a dead run. It was Call’s opinion, and Augustus’s too, that Jake hadn’t even been shooting at the bandit—he was probably shooting in hopes of bringing downthe horse, which might have fallen on the bandit and crippled him a little. But Jake shot blind from the hip, with the sun in his eyes to boot, and hit the bandit right in the Adam’s apple, a thing not likely to occur more than once in a lifetime, if that often.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, you’re already trained, ain’t you?” he said. Lorena didn’t consider what had happened in Gladewater any training for anything, but then it was clear there wasn’t anything respectable she was trained for, even if she could get away from Tinkersley without being killed. For a few days she had thought Tinkersley might love her, but he soon made it clear that she meant about as much to him as a good saddle. She knew that for the time being the sporting life was about her only choice. At least the hotel room was nice and there were no mean sisters. Most of the sports who came to see her were men Tinkersley gambled with in the bar down below. Once in a while a nice one would even give her a little money directly, instead of leaving it with Tinkersley, but Tinkersley was smart about such things and he found her hiding place and cleaned her out the day they took the stage to Matamoros. He might not have done it if he hadn’t had a string of losses, but the fact that he was handsome didn’t mean that he was a good gambler, as several of the sports pointed out to Lorena. He was just a middling gambler, and he had such a run of bad luck in San Antonio that he decided there might be less competition down on the border.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She had been abandoned in Lonesome Dove by a gambler who decided she was bad for his luck; she lived over the Dry Bean and was known to receive visitors of various descriptions, but Newt was not a young man to choke on such details.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Boys take a look at this man, he's what Webster's calls, a gambler.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script