
adj. 易碎的,脆弱的;易生气的


Once Call and he had sat on the western edge of the great canyon, looking across the brown waterless distances to the west. They had finally decided to end their pursuit there while they had a fair chance of getting back alive. It wasn’t Indians they feared so much as lack of water. It had been midsummer and the plains looked seared, what grass there was, brown and brittle. Call was frustrated; he hated to turn back before he caught his man.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“When I can get them,” Po Campo said. “The old ones taste better than the young ones. It isn’t that way with animals, but it is with grasshoppers. The old ones are brittle, like old men. They are easy to get crisp.” “I doubt you’ll get anybody to eat one,” Newt said, beginning to believe Po Campo was serious. After all the trouble there had been over snakes in the stew, it was hard to imagine what would happen if Po Campo fried up some grasshoppers.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
604. The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.
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Even a soul as blank and brittle as yours needs a response. Is fear and pain enough? Because that’s all I have to offer.
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