
adv. 代替;反而


“I doubt she’ll want to spend no time in San Antonio,” Augustus said. “That’s where she was before she came here, and women don’t like to go backwards. Most women will never back up an inch their whole lives.” “I can’t see that it’s any of your affair what we do,” Jake said. “I guess she’d go to San Antonio if I say to. If she don’t, she’ll just get left.” “Bring her on the drive,” Augustus said. “She might like Montany. Or if she gets tired of looking at the ass end of these cows, you could always stop in Denver.” It was something, the talent Gus had for saying the very thing that a man might have been half thinking. Jake had more than once considered Denver, regretted more than once that he hadn’t stopped there instead of going to Fort Smith.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
When it was over, Jake took a nap, and instead of getting up and dressing, Lorie lay with him, thinking. She thought of San Francisco, and just thinking about it made her think that she could do anything. She didn’t even feel like moving to wipe the sheets. Let them be. She would be going soon, and Xavier could burn them for all she cared.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If this is America, where’s the snow?” he asked, to everyone’s surprise. His image of the new country had been strongly influenced by a scene of Boston Harbor in winter that he had seen in an old magazine. There had been lots of snow, and the hot backyard he found himself in was nothing like what he had expected. Instead of ships with tall masts there was just a low adobe house, with lots of old saddles and pieces of rotting harness piled under a little shed at one corner.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But once they started back, instead of having a whole company around him, he seemed to have no one. Pea was far across the valley, and the Captain was half a mile to the rear. If a bunch of hostile vaqueros sprang up, he might not even be able to find the other two men. Even if he wasn’t captured immediately, he could easily get lost. Lonesome Dove might be hard to locate, particularly if he was being chased.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Since you’ve not bothered to murder us, I’ll introduce myself,” he said. “I’m Allen O’Brien and this is young Sean.” “Are those your only animals?” Call asked. “Just a donkey and a mule?” “We had three mules to start with,” Allen said. “I’m afraid our thirst got the better of us. We traded two mules for a donkey and some liquor.” “And some beans,” Sean said. “Only the beans were ho good. I broke my tooth trying to eat one.” It was Call’s turn to sigh. He had expected vaqueros, and instead had turned up two helpless Irishmen, neither of whom even had an adequate mount. Both the mule and the donkey looked starved.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
With Dish in such trouble, Newt could hardly enjoy the good news Mr. Gus had told him—though it was news he had waited for for years. Instead of floating with happiness, he was too worried about Dish to feel much of anything else.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Dish wasn’t quite ready to do that—at least not until he found out who his rival was. Instead, he walked up one side of the street and down the other, feeling silly for doing it. He went all the way to the river, but there was nothing to see there except a strip of brown water and a big coyote. The coyote stood in the shallow, eating a frog.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now he was hearing it, standing with his shirttail half tucked in, while someone else was making it with Lorena. Memories of her body mingled with the sound, causing such a painful feeling in Dish’s breast that for a second he couldn’t move. He felt almost paralyzed, doomed to stand in the heat beneath the very room he had been hoping to enter himself. She was part of the sound—he knew just what chords she contributed to the awful music. Anger began to fill him, and for a moment its object was Xavier Wanz, who could at least have seen that Lorena had a cotton-tick mattress instead of those scratchy cornshucks, which weren’t even comfortable to sleep on.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You best talk to the Captain about it,” he suggested. “The Captain handles all the deals.” “Oh,” Wilbarger said, wiping the sweat off his brow with his forearm. “If I’d noticed a captain I’d have picked him to talk to in the first place, instead of you circus hands. Does he happen to live around here?” Pea pointed at the house, fifty yards away, in the chaparral.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
No one else got much use out of it, and it was unusual to see two horsemen on a hot afternoon stop and read the sign instead of loping on into Lonesome Dove to wet their dusty gullets.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If she was blindfolded she might bite the post next time instead of you,” Augustus said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Lippy was unperturbed. “What’s wrong with that hat?” he asked. “It was made in Philadelphia. Says so inside it.” It did say so, but Augustus, not Lippy, was the one who had originally made the point. Lippy could not have read a word as big as Philadelphia, and he had only the vaguest notion of where the city was. All he knew was that it must be a safe and civilized place if they had time to make hats instead of fighting Comanches.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Disgrace! I won’t have this hat. Who can eat?” Xavier said, though nobody was trying to eat. He took the hat around the bar and flung it out the back door. Once as a boy he had carried slops in a restaurant in New Orleans that actually used tablecloths, a standard of excellence which haunted him still. Every time he looked at the bare tables in the Dry Bean he felt a failure. Instead of having tablecloths, the tables were so rough you could get a splinter just running your hand over them. Also, they weren’t attractively round, since the cowboys could not be prevented from whittling on their edges—over the years sizable chunks had been whittled off, giving most of the tables an unbalanced look.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, you’re already trained, ain’t you?” he said. Lorena didn’t consider what had happened in Gladewater any training for anything, but then it was clear there wasn’t anything respectable she was trained for, even if she could get away from Tinkersley without being killed. For a few days she had thought Tinkersley might love her, but he soon made it clear that she meant about as much to him as a good saddle. She knew that for the time being the sporting life was about her only choice. At least the hotel room was nice and there were no mean sisters. Most of the sports who came to see her were men Tinkersley gambled with in the bar down below. Once in a while a nice one would even give her a little money directly, instead of leaving it with Tinkersley, but Tinkersley was smart about such things and he found her hiding place and cleaned her out the day they took the stage to Matamoros. He might not have done it if he hadn’t had a string of losses, but the fact that he was handsome didn’t mean that he was a good gambler, as several of the sports pointed out to Lorena. He was just a middling gambler, and he had such a run of bad luck in San Antonio that he decided there might be less competition down on the border.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They could hear the piano from down at the Dry Bean. An old-timer named Lippy Jones did all the playing. He had the same problem Sam Houston had had, which was a hole in his belly that wouldn’t quite heal shut. Someone had shot Lippy with a big bore gun; instead of dying he ended up living with a leak. With a handicap like that, it was lucky he could play the piano.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Unless, of course, you, Miss Deverich, Unless, of course, you, Miss Deverich, instead of writing household hints about how to remove chilli stains from blue jeans, get yourself involved in a trunk murder.
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A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking and in Central Park you get rain instead of sunshine.
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Hola, bienvenido Rostagno leads Gennaro towards the mine. Dozen of shirtless WORKERS claw and SCRAPE at a rocky mountainside that is the site of an extensive mining operation. The work is all done by hand, pick and shovel instead of dynamite and bulldozer.
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* Since his release, he’s become a multi-millionaire again * as a motivational speaker. * When the applause finally dies down... * ...Jordan doesn’t speak. Instead he walks down to the * front row of his audience, studying faces. He picks one. * Takes a pen from his coat and offers it to him. * JORDAN * Sell me this pen. * The Kiwi, embarrassed, takes a moment, then: * KIWI IN AUDIENCE * Well, it’s a good pen, it’s a * ballpoint --* Jordan takes the pen back with a smile. Hands it to the * next person. * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 137.
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