

Clara had bought the piano with money saved all those years from the sale of her parents’ little business in Texas. She had never let Bob use the money—another bone of contention between them. She wanted it for her children, so when the time came they could be sent away to school and not have to spend their whole youth in such a raw, lonely place. The first of the money she spent was on the two-story frame house they had built three years before, after nearly fifteen years of life in the sod house Bob had dug for her on a slope above the Platte. Clara had always hated the sod house—hated the dirt that seeped down on her bedclothes, year after year. It was dust that caused her firstborn, Jim, to cough virtually from his birth until he died a year later. In the mornings Clara would walk down and wash her hair in the icy waters of the Platte, and yet by supper time, if she happened to scratch her head, her fingernails would fill with dirt that had seeped down during the day. For some reason, no matter where she moved her bed, the roof would trickle dirt right onto it. She tacked muslin, and finally canvas, on the ceiling over the bed but nothing stopped the dirt for long. It sifted through. It seemed to her that all her children had been conceived in dust clouds, dust rising from the bedclothes or sifting down from the ceiling. Centipedes and other bugs loved the roof; day after day they crawled down the walls, to end up in her stewpots or her skillets or the trunks where she stored her clothes.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
EXT. ROAD - DAY Will drives down a road that seems somewhat familiar. And then we realize why: a roadsign reads “Welcome to Spectre!” EXT. A LONE HOUSE - DAY Sitting at the edge of a swamp, the little two-story feels lonely, set deep in its lot. Dapples of light break through the trees, a light breeze swaying the branches.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
200 EXT. MOTEL - DAY The two fugitives walk toward an economy motel of the two-story park-by-the-door variety.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script