
n. 旅馆,饭店;客栈


INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Rafe enters his room and finds the light on...and Evelyn's there waiting.>>完整场景
INT./ EXT. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL - NIGHT The pilots get off the bus and carry their duffels into the lobby.>>完整场景
EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT The nurses are entering the hotel. Pilots are going in with them. But Rafe and Evelyn stop on the street.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - WASHINGTON HOTEL - DAY The door to Michael's suite opens; Rocco leans in.>>完整场景
INT. WASHINGTON HOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY The Corleone nurse is waiting, playing with the little girl MARY. A distance away, the boy, Anthony, is standing by himself.>>完整场景
Mr. Corleone, do you have any hotel interests in the state of Arizona?>>完整场景
INT. CORLEONE APARTMENT AT THE TROPICANA - DAY Michael, Hagen, Neri and Rocco are seated in this luxury in the hotel. Michael sits in a comfortable chair in his apartment. Neri comes and brings him a drink without asking, but Michael refuses it.>>完整场景
EXT. THE TROPICANA IN VEGAS - MED. VIEW - DAY A limousine pulls up at a private area near the side of the hotel. Michael exits the limousine followed by Hagen and Neri.>>完整场景
INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - MOVING VIEW ON BUSSETTA - NIGHT The first time ever away from Michael, moving toward us quickly. He stops, knocks on the door of Roth's suite.>>完整场景
You and I will go in a special car that's being sent. They'll have cocktails... then dinner, and a reception with the President. When it's over, it will be suggested that you take Questadt and his friends from Washington to spend the night with some women. I'll go home alone in the car; and before I reach the hotel, I'll be assassinated.>>完整场景
The doctor is shown out. Roth gestures to the hotel man, who also leaves. Then he looks to his wife.>>完整场景
A hotel DOCTOR takes Hyman Roth's blood pressure, while his wife waits nervously.>>完整场景
I'm planning a new hotel casino to be known as Riviera. The new Capri will go to the Corleone Family.>>完整场景
INT. HAVANA CASINO LOBBY - MOVING VIEW - NIGHT Michael is led through a beautiful wooden lobby of the hotel, done in Spanish style, apparently just recently completed. He is approached by a thin, mousy man, SAM ROTH, who ushers him toward the casino entrance.>>完整场景
INT. TROPICANA HOTEL - CLOSE VIEW - DAY The money trays are carefully unloaded from the gaming tables, and put on a cart with others.>>完整场景
Get out of my hotel.>>完整场景
I represent the interests of the Corleone family. We make the invitation to you to tie up your affairs and be out of the hotel by Monday morning.>>完整场景
HOTEL STAIRS (1955) CLEMENZA is climbing the back stairs of a large hotel. He rounds the corner, puffs a little, and then continues upward.>>完整场景
The Corleone family don't have that kind of muscle anymore. The Godfather is sick. You're getting chased out of New York by Barzini and the other families, and you think you can find easier pickings here. I've talked to Barzini; I can make a deal with him and keep my hotel!>>完整场景
The hotel, the casino. The Corleone family wants to buy you out.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO HOTEL SUITE (1955) A whole entourage precedes FREDO and his V.I.P. party of MICHAEL, HAGEN and NERI. Great fuss is made. They are being shown into the hotel's 'special' suite.>>完整场景
He had business at the hotel, but he'll drop in for dinner.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO (1955) The car pulls up at the Flamingo Hotel.>>完整场景
HOTEL MICHAEL and KAY eating a quiet dinner at the hotel. He is preoccupied, she's concerned.>>完整场景
HOTEL ROOM (WINTER 1945) CLOSE ON a wooden radio, playing quiet Music. THE VIEW PANS AROUND the dark hotel room, curtained against the daylight.>>完整场景