
n. 军人;兵蚁;懒汉;[口]一片烤面包


278 SOLDIER 278 pets his child and kisses his wife as he goes off toguard duty.>>完整场景
109 CONTINUED: 109 One of the running guerrillas trips over Gordy and goessprawling. The guerrilla, wearing the motley uniform ofan irregular soldier, whips a look back, and... Gordy finds himself staring into the battle-hardened eyesof a fierce young woman. In a heartbeat... The woman jumps back to her feet, and joins her comradeslaying down a suppressing FIRE at the soldiers. Spentcartridges rain down around Gordy, as the AK-47 ON FULLAUTO chops loudly over his head. And then... 110 NEW ANGLE 110 The guerrillas are gone.>>完整场景
(almost killing her with the line) Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.>>完整场景
Protecting our soldiers in the field of battle is at the core of my government’s commitment to our armed forces. Soldier safety first is why we are in partnership.>>完整场景
JAMES WILLETT, British Foreign Secretary, pale and sweaty in the heat, stands in front of the company name and slogan - Soldier Safety First -as he speaks to a small audience gathered around the stand.>>完整场景
Powell sits staring blankly at the picture of the crippled soldier. She is, for a moment, lost. Then she begins to type a reply.>>完整场景
SILBERMAN: So. You're a soldier.>>完整场景
A soldier and afeard?>>完整场景
From now on, the blood of every soldier that dies in this war is on your hands.>>完整场景
Come on, soldier boy.>>完整场景
Soldier boy.>>完整场景
EXT. THE PALACE GATES - NIGHT The great gates of the palace swing slowly open, and out ride a whole platoon of young Musketeers, surrounding Louis himself, on horseback and dressed like a soldier.>>完整场景
Understanding, the blacksmith raises his hammer toward the soldiers; but he is stabbed in the back by the jailer, and the soldiers skewer the two guards who helped him. A soldier lifts the jeweled key from the hand of a dead guard.>>完整场景
PANICKED SOLDIER Back, toward the palace! We cannot hold them off! We will fire a volley into them!>>完整场景
Not the soldier, you idiot!>>完整场景
INT. A SMALL HOUSE - DAY ATHOS stands at the dressing table in a modest room; dressed in a dark plain coat, he too is a former Musketeer -- gray haired and handsome, intensely intelligent, with a hard crust of manners masking seas of emotion. He opens a small wooden box and digs through medals of heroism; he finds what he's looking for just as his son RAOUL enters. RAOUL is in his mid-twenties; he wears the uniform of a soldier in the French Army. He is nervous, pacing, looking at every angle in the mirror.>>完整场景
Where's Major Cook, soldier?>>完整场景
- Hey, soldier, get over here.>>完整场景
Come on, push! Altogether, lift! Come on, soldier, pound it.>>完整场景
Right! Let's haul a little ass! Go! Hold! Hold! Move it. Come on, soldier, you're not building a sand castle.>>完整场景
He GUNS it, PULLING AWAY FROM THE HOLE – INT. HYPOCENTRE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and Ives are YANKED into the air, the Protagonist CLUTCHING the algorithm – as they approach the rocky edge of the hole, Ives raises his boots to cushion the – IMPACT! They BOUNCE PAINFULLY over the lip – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The truck DRAGS them along the rocky ground, away from the hole as... BOOOOM!!!! THE ROCKY GROUND BUCKLES WITH FORCE – SMOKE and FLAMES BLAST up out of the hole in an ANGRY PLUME – The ground around the hole COLLAPSES IN AN EVER-GROWING RADIUS – The line SNAPS, leaving the Protagonist and Ives TUMBLING to a stop... The SUBSIDENCE approaches, SLOWING, SLOWING... the ground OPENS UP under the Protagonist – Ives GRABS HIM – the Protagonist has the algorithm in his hands, Ives PULLS him back onto solid ground... EXT. LZ, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler PULLS a last Blue team soldier into the container as her watch hits ZERO – the container door SLAMS shut – BLUE TEAM SOLDIER Do you think they made it?>>完整场景
She checks her watch as she lazily smears the sunscreen across Sator’s back. He groans. Kat watches the TENDER APPROACHING, she can just make out HERSELF AND HER SON... INT. TUNNEL, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist watches the Dead Tenet Soldier RACING BACKWARDS from the gate, out of the tunnel – COME ON!>>完整场景
(over phone; in Russian, subtitled) – Shoot him in the head. – Volkov PULLS HIS TRIGGER – but the Dead Tenet Soldier has ‘RISEN’ to be in front of the gun ‘ABSORBING’ the bullet – then LEAPING to one side, ALIVE – EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS Sator hears the shot, SATISFIED – Kat pulls the phone away –>>完整场景
It’s about to get distracting... He signals a RED RPG SOLDIER... IVES (CONT'D) On my mark! He looks at his watch – ‘5:01’, ‘5:00’ – Fire! IVES (CONT'D) The leaning ruin THRUSTS UPWARDS – EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler watches as the Leaning Ruin’s UPPER STOREYS REASSEMBLE, as its BASE EXPLODES... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist takes cover as the Leaning Ruin’s BASE REASSEMBLES as its UPPER STOREYS EXPLODE... the Protagonist and Ives race at the tunnel entrance – the GREY TRUCK RACES at them as they dive for the tunnel... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler ducks as the weight of the upper storeys COLLAPSES the building... Neil lifts his head after the EXPLO/IMPLOSION. Clear. He gets up and starts RUNNING... EXT. TUNNEL ENTRANCE, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist and Ives RACE into the tunnel, HITTING A TRIPWIRE WHICH BLOWS THE TUNNEL ENTRANCE DOWN BEHIND THEM AS THEY JUMP INSIDE... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Sator hangs up. He holds a SILVER PILL in the sunlight, studying it...>>完整场景
RPG! Take out the base – on my mark – She checks her watch – ‘5:04’, ‘5:03’... The BLUE RPG SOLDIER takes aim... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist spots SMALL DEBRIS ROLLING across the street... GATHERING MOMENTUM... Ives!>>完整场景