n. 军人;兵蚁;懒汉;[口]一片烤面包
- EXT. BEACH - DAY The sailors and soldiers bask in the sun, play volleyball.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- He's a foot-soldier, I'm sure it's a sh*t deal.>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
- The die is cast and like a good soldier, Pentangeli will go all the way now. So he is brazen in his defiance of the Senator.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- At first, like everybody, I was a soldier.
起初,和每个人一样,我是一名士兵。>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script- MICHAEL'S VIEW The old building has been totally surrounded by police and military vehicles. Right at this moment, they are waiting lazily, but soldiers are there with automatic weapons ready.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- No more stalemate Tom, we got the soldiers, we'll match them gun for gun if that's how they want it.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- Myself and my fellow soldiers really appreciate it.>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
- Hundreds of German soldiers are running off, leaving for good.>> 1900 Movie Script
- With the help of ltalo-German air power, our gallant soldiers have breached the pass in several places, turning northward in the direction of Tbessa and Thala.>> 1900 Movie Script
- -l'm a soldier like you.>> 1900 Movie Script
- And play soldier if you like.>> 1900 Movie Script
- Hey, soldier, don't you recognize me?>> 1900 Movie Script
- You are fighting 1,000 separate battles with locals whose principal ideological position would seem to be simply that they don't want foreign soldiers in their village.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- Just a nice bubble of soldiers.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- Soldiers above you, soldiers below you.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- A soldier leading soldiers.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- And so he just told an auditorium full of young American soldiers the war they've been asked to fight these last eight years has been nothing more than one great monumental waste of everybody's time.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- He's a soldier and a scholar.>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- KWAN (CONT'D) Just as the soldiers were leaving, a monk stepped out of the crowd and told them very calmly to put the food back. Well, naturally, they didn't. They pushed the monk, and the next thing I knew the soldiers were in the street, and the food was back in my father's arms. 5 soldiers, and they were in a heap on the ground, their blood mixing with the dust of the street.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- KWAN (CONT'D) I saw a Shaolin monk once. I was only 5 years old at the time, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was coming back from the market with my father. Soldiers stopped us and were taking the food we had just bought. It was all we had left to eat – no more money. These were hard times in China, people were selling their children for food, and the soldiers had no right. Who can stop soldiers with guns, though? Yes?>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- While his loss will be deeply felt... the men and women of NASA will soldier forth... onward and upward in the mission of their agency.>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
- Before he reached Kansas, word had filtered ahead of him that a man was carrying a body home to Texas. The plain was filled with herds, for it was full summer. Cowboys spread the word, soldiers spread it. Several times he met trappers, coming east from the Rockies, or buffalo hunters who were finding no buffalo. The Indians heard—Pawnee and Arapahoe and Ogallala Sioux. Sometimes he would ride past parties of braves, their horses fat on spring grass, come to watch his journey. Some were curious enough to approach him, even to question him. Why did he not bury the compañero? Was he a holy man whose spirit must have a special place?>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It was three days before they were alone again. Some soldiers needing horses showed up, and Clara asked them to spend the night. Then Martin got a bad cough and developed a high fever. Cholo was sent to bring the doctor. Clara spent most of the day sitting with the baby, who coughed with every breath. She tried every remedy she knew, with no effect. Martin couldn’t sleep for coughing’. July went into the sickroom from time to time, feeling awkward and helpless. The boy was his child, and yet he didn’t know what to do. He felt in the way. Clara sat in a straight chair, holding the child. He asked in the morning if there was anything special she wanted him to do and she shook her head. The child’s sickness had driven out all other concerns. When July came back that evening, Clara was still sitting. Martin was too weak by then to cough very hard, but his breath was a rasp and his fever still high. Clara was impassive, rocking the baby’s cradle, but not looking at him.“I guess the doctor will be getting here soon,” July said uncertainly.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- So Call agreed, and Newt stayed at the fort a month, breaking horses. The weather improved. It was cold, but the days were often fine and sunny. Newt’s only scare came when he took a strong sorrel gelding out of the fort for his first ride and the horse took the bit between his teeth and raced out onto the Missouri ice. When the horse hit the ice he slipped and, though he crashed through the ice, fortunately they were in shallow water and Newt was able to struggle out and lead the horse out too. A few soldiers coming in with a load of wood helped him get dry. Newt knew it would have been a different story if the horse had made it to the center of the river before breaking through the ice.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- That winter there were several such trips—not merely to Fort Benton but to Fort Buford as well. Once when they arrived at Fort Benton the Army had just trailed in a bunch of raw, half-broken horses from the south. When they brought inbeeves, the fort was always full of Indians, and there was much bargaining over how the beeves would be divided between the Major and an old Blackfoot chief the soldiers call Saw, because of the sharpness of his features. Some Blood Indians were there too on this occasion, and Call felt angry—he knew he was seeing some of the warriors who had killed Gus. When the Indians left he felt like tracking them and revenging his friend—though he didn’t know which braves had done it. He held back, but it made him uneasy to leave an attack unanswered.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇