
vt. 看;注视;把...视为


Tell him I'll behold the daylight again.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script
-- An arm grabs him tightly around the neck, not choking him, just holding his head still -- -- The drum cadence has built to a crescendo. We HEAR four sharp blasts from a whistle and we SMASH CUT TO: EXT. THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD - DAY and the drum cadence we've been hearing has turned into Semper Fidelis and it's coming from THE U.S. MARINE CORPS BAND, a sight to behold in their red and gold uniforms and polished silver and brass.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
>> 豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven Movie Script
Behold what this tiny flake alone can achieve.
>> Monster Family Movie Script
I am sick at heart when I behold.
>> Macbeth Movie Script
(Door opens) (Door closes) You make me strange, even to the disposition that I owe when now I think you can behold such sights and keep the natural ruby of your cheeks when mine is blanched with fear.
>> Macbeth Movie Script
>> Macbeth Movie Script
IN THE BARN: Porthos throws one end of the rope over the central beam of the barn, and ties the other end off. He shoves a milking stool up below the noose, climbs onto it, and fits the noose around his neck. NOTE: When we see him in full view it is only from behind -- and this angle is a sight to behold.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Behold our unicorn! Whichever of our guests captures the unicorn shall win its treasure!
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, behold Reverend Burton and Marion Whittaker as they reach for the scissors in "Samson and Delilah".
>> 水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script
Behold the country cottage.
>> 水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script
Elephants in the delta are a sight to behold.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
Behold the man who pulled sword from stone.
>> 亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Movie Script
King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! Behold, your born king.
>> 亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Movie Script
Behold her heart.
>> 白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Movie Script
Lo and behold, I've found a blindspot.
>> 越狱 终结篇Prison Break: The Final Break Movie Script