
adj. 厌恶的;厌烦的


(Ashley hugs sad Scarlett. Mrs. Meade and India happen to enter the room. Seeing this, they leave, wordless and disgusted. Scarlett is now back at home, lying in the bed.)
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
He waves his hands, conducting, and singing. The piano starts a vamp, the drums uncertainly join in. A clarinet starts to play "Pop Goes the Weasel," and soon the rest of the orchestra is playing that. They look to Pentangeli for approval. Disgusted, he goes back to his table, eating a handful of canapes.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
That night he wondered if he ought to leave. He could not stay around Clara without nursing hopes, and yet he could detect no sign that she cared about him. Sometimes he thought she did, but when he thought it over he always concluded that he had just been imagining things. Her remarks to him generally had a stinging quality, but he would often not realize he had been stung until after she left the scene. Working together in the lots, which they did whenever the weather was decent, she often lectured him on his behavior with the horses. She didn’t feel he paid close attention to them. July was at a loss to know how anyone could pay close attention to a horse when she was around, and yet the more his eyes turned to her the worse he did with the horses and the more disgusted she grew. His eyes would turn to her, though. She had taken to wearing her husband’s old coat and overshoes, both much too big for her. She wouldn’t wear gloves—she claimed the horses didn’t like it—and her large bony hands often got so cold she would have to stick them under the coat for a few minutes to warm them. She wore a variety of caps that she had ordered from somewhere—apparently she liked caps as much as she liked cake. None of them were particularly suited to a Nebraska winter. Her favorite one was an old Army cap Cholo had picked up on the plains somewhere. Sometimes Clara would tie a wool scarf over it to keep her ears warm, but usually the scarf came untied in the course of working with the horses, so that when they walked back up for a meal her hair was usually spilling over the collar of the big coat. Yet July couldn’t stop his eyes from feasting on her. He thought she was wonderfully beautiful, so beautiful that merely to walk with her from the lots to the house, when she was in a good mood, was enough to make him give up for another month all thought of leaving. He told himself that just being able to work with her was enough. And yet, it wasn’t—which is why the question finally forced itself out. He was miserable all night, for she hadn’t answered the question. But he had spoken the words and revealed what he wanted. He supposed she would think worse of him than she already did, once she thought it over.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I could be General Lee, only I ain’t,” Hutto remarked, looking disgusted. “Why didn’t you tie her feet?” “Why didn’t you?” Jim retorted.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Jake looked disgusted. “I didn’t look for no tracks,” he said. “I figured she come over here and married Gus. They’re such sweethearts they have to have breakfast together every morning. Anyhow, where else would she go? She ain’t got a map.” Jake looked tired and shaky; he also looked worried.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The woman looked disgusted. “If I had a piece of rawhide I’d tie it to your hand,” she said. “Then the two of you could flop around all you wanted to. What town hired you to be deputy sheriff anyway?” “Why, Fort Smith,” Roscoe said. “July Johnson’s the sheriff.” “I wish he’d been the one that showed up,” the woman said. “Maybe he’d know how to chop a root.” Then she began to pop the mules again and Roscoe continued to whack at the roots, squeezing the ax tightly so it wouldn’t slip loose again. In no time he was sweating worse than the woman, sweat dripping into his eyes and off his nose. It had been years since he had sweated much, and he didn’t enjoy the sensation.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Peach looked disgusted. “Of course she had shoes on,” she said. “She wasn’t that crazy.” “Well, I don’t see no shoes in this cabin, men’s or women’s,” Roscoe said. “If she’s gone, I guess she wore ’em.” They went out and walked around the cabin. Roscoe was hoping to find a trail, but there were weeds all around the cabin, wet with dew, and all he did was get his pants legs wet. He was growing more and more uneasy—if Elmira was just in hiding from Peach he wished she’d give up and come out. If July came back and found his new wife missing, there was no telling how upset he’d be.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The men stopped on the far side of the lots to read the sign Augustus had put up when the Hat Creek outfit had gone in business. All Call wanted on the sign was the simple words Hat Creek Livery Stable, but Augustus could not be persuaded to stop at a simple statement like that. It struck him that it would be best to put their rates on the sign. Call had been for tacking up one board with the name on it to let people know a livery stable was available, but Augustus thought that hopelessly unsophisticated; he bestirred himself and found an old plank door that had blown off somebody’s root cellar, perhaps by the same wind that had taken their roof. He nailed the door onto one corner of the corrals, facing the road, so that the first thing most travelers saw when entering the town was the sign. In the end he and Call argued so much about what was to go on the sign that Call got disgusted and washed his hands of the whole project.That suited Augustus fine, since he considered that he was the only person in Lonesome Dove with enough literary talent to write a sign. When the weather was fair he would go sit in the shade the sign cast and think of ways to improve it; in the two or three years since they had put it up he had thought of so many additions to the original simple declaration that practically the whole door was covered.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Jake looked thoughtful, as he almost always did. His coffee-colored eyes always seemed to be traveling leisurely overscenes from his own past, and they gave the impression that he was a man of sorrows—an impression very appealing to the ladies. It disgusted Augustus a little that ladies were so taken in by Jake’s big eyes. In fact, Jake Spoon had had a perfectly easy life, doing mostly just what he pleased and keeping his boots clean; what his big eyes concealed was a slow-working brain. Basically Jake just dreamed his way through life and somehow got by with it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
I mean, you can't really be disgusted by anything that they do because... then you're not in relationship the way that you should be.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
Grant shakes his head, disgusted, But doesn't stop.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
I wanted to punch him in the face... but I was so disgusted, I could not do it.
>> Senna Movie Script
27 INT. TOWN CAR - LATE AFTERNOON/SUNSET 27 Johnny rides in the back of the car, empty and disgusted with himself.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
Louis is disgusted by this loyalty -- and he has a solution.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Most farmers were just absolutely disgusted with the whole concept.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
GORDON, disgusted, leaves LOEB and FLASS to watch the fire.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
He stands on the edge of a high roof, silhouetted against a giant full moon, watching an — EXT. EAST END WAREHOUSE. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Below GORDON and a bunch of UNIFORMED COPS file out of a warehouse. GORDON balls up a search warrant and throws it into the gutter, DISGUSTED.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
GORDON, disgusted, heads back toward his car.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script