
adj. 遵守纪律的;受过训练的


Oh, so fish people, by dint of being fish people, automatically aren't as disciplined as non-fish people?
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
EXT. ABOVE OAHU - THE DOGFIGHT - DAY The Japanese planes are in tight, disciplined formation, their minds on the targets below them in the harbor. But their day of shooting sitting ducks changes as the two P-40's blast in, wing guns blazing, chopping into Two Zeros. Both Zeros falter and begin to lose altitude. The P-40's make almost impossible tight turns, still side-by-side, and go after the two plane they crippled on the first pass.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
He himself had a linen tablecloth which he brought out once a year, on the anniversary of the death of his wife. His wife had been a bully and he didn’t miss her, but it was the only occasion sufficient to provide an excuse for the use of a tablecloth in Lonesome Dove. His wife, whose name had been Therese, had bullied horses, too, which is why his team had run off and flung themselves and the buggy into a gully, the buggy landing right on top of Therese. At the annual dinner in her honor Xavier proved that he was still a restaurateur of discipline by getting drunk without spilling a drop on the fine tablecloth. Augustus was the only one invited to the dinners, but he only came every three or four years, out of politeness; not only were the occasions mournful and silly—everyone in Lonesome Dove had been glad to see the last of Therese—they were mildly dangerous. Augustus was neither as disciplined a drinker as Xavier nor as particular about tablecloths, either, and he knew that if he spilled liquor on the precious linen the situation would end badly. He would not likely have to shoot Xavier, but it might be necessary to whack him on the head, and Augustus hated to hit such a small head with such a large pistol.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
I don't know how disciplined she is now... but she's gonna have to change her lifestyle.
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
SWAT COMMANDER and his SWAT TEAM enters the half-collapsed building as a well-oiled machine, covering each other and moving as a single, disciplined organism.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script