
n. 码(英制中丈量长度单位,1码=3英尺);[海]帆桁;院子;庭院


HaIf my knights were kiIIed in the yard.>>完整场景
Right in the lumber yard. It's okay.>>完整场景
I'll be working in a lumber yard for the rest of my life.>>完整场景
He won't work at the lumber yard!>>完整场景
If he doesn't have something lined up by September l'll ask Tom Burdick to put him on at the lumber yard!>>完整场景
In fact, I often saw it running alongside the dogs as they raced across the dirt yard, barking at passing cars or people. If the dogs went left, the rooster went left. They'd go right, and dang if that rooster didn't go right as well. Now I don't know if this is a regular condition for roosters.>>完整场景
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, "It's better than yours" Damn right, it's better than yours I could teach you, but I'd have to charge What the boys go crazy for They lose their minds My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard Damn right, it's better than yours I could teach you, but I'd have to charge You happy? Fatty make a funny?>>完整场景
Neil hands him a phone. The Protagonist sticks a Bluetooth earpiece in his ear, passes into the airlock – Wheeler shuts it behind him. Then opens the OUTER DOOR... EXT. YARD, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist emerges into a strange world – the air feels different, the friction of his feet on the asphalt feels different. He looks up at birds flying backwards... at steam contracting... at a pile of dust sucking itself bigger... In the yard he spots the SAAB... he runs over, finds the keys sitting on the front tyre – INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist LOOKS in the glove box – NOTHING – LOOKS in the wheel well – NOTHING – the back seat – NOTHING. He gives up – starts the engine... pulls out, gently, feeling out the strange handling of the vehicle... INT./EXT. SAAB, TALLINN STREETS – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist steers the car around BACKWARDS-MOVING TRAFFIC and BACKWARDS-WALKING PEDESTRIANS, MARVELLING... People STARE at the car as it approaches, as if they already know a backwards-driven car is heading their way (which, of course, they do).>>完整场景
What cavalry?! SMASH!!! The Protagonist and Kat are THROWN LIKE RAG DOLLS across the car – the Mercedes has SWIPED the nose of the Audi – Volkov lays down COVER FIRE, pinning Neil as Sator’s men descend on the CRASHED Audi and pull the PROTAGONIST out of the car – shoving him around the back of the Mercedes. Kat is pulled from the wreck and put into the Mercedes – As they put the Protagonist INTO THE TRUNK, he sees Sator MOVING BACKWARDS behind the line of cars, from the BMW... EXT. DOCKSIDE AREA, EDGE OF TALLINN – MOMENTS LATER The TRUNK OPENS – the Protagonist is PULLED OUT. Marched towards an entrance, he sees, through a steel fence dividing the yard in two, SATOR, IN RESPIRATOR, WALKING BACKWARDS, PULLING KAT, FORWARDS, TOWARDS A DIFFERENT ENTRANCE... The Protagonist passes a stack of SHIPPING CONTAINERS, several of which are marked OSLO FREEPORT... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is taken past the table of weapons, through a large door, and through RED DOORS with a PORTHOLE... INT. TURNSTILE, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Into A LONG CHAMBER DIVIDED IN TWO BY A GLASS WINDOW – A MUCH BIGGER VERSION OF THE ROTAS VAULT. The Russians push the Protagonist into a chair. This side is lit by RED LIGHT.>>完整场景
SCREAMING. The Protagonist’s screaming. Close on his eyes – FLICKERING, SWEATING, PLEADING, DEFIANT... and we are – EXT. RAIL YARDS – DAY The Protagonist, tied to a chair, in a windswept rail yard.>>完整场景
EXT. JUNK YARD BEHIND LITTLE AL'S GARAGE - MORNING LITTLE AL enters a transformed junk yard. Piles of junk have been moved. Rearranged.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) It turns out Andy's favorite hobby was totin' his wall out into the exercise yard a handful at a time... 236INT -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1962) 236 A GUARD strolls the tier, shining his flashlight into the cells. He pauses at Andy's bars, playing the beam over the sleeping form huddled under the blankets.>>完整场景
Nothing stops! NOTHING! (tight) Or you will do the hardest time there is. No more protection from the guards. I'll pull you out of that one-bunk Hilton and put you in (MORE) - NORTON (cont.) with the biggest bull queer I can find. You'll think you got f***ed by a train! And the library? Gone! Sealed off brick by brick! We'll have us a little book-barbecue in the yard! They'll see the flames for miles! We'll dance around it like wild Indians! Do you understand me? Are you catching my drift?>>完整场景
137 THE STAMPING MACHINES IN THE PLATE SHOP ARE SHUT DOWN... 137 138 THE LAUNDRY LINE GOES SILENT, GRINDING TO A HALT... 138 139 THE WOOD SHOP MACHINES ARE TURNED OFF, BUZZING TO A STOP... 139 140 THE MOTOR POOL...THE KITCHEN...THE LOADING DOCK...THE EXERCISE 140 thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 143 TO A STUTTERING HALT. NOBODY MOVES, NOBODY SPEAKS. EVERYBODY 143 just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized.>>完整场景
127INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127 RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He's striding, pissed-off, a man on e mission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto -- 128EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 -- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.>>完整场景
102EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1954) 102 Floyd runs into the yard, scared and winded. He finds Andy and Red on the bleachers.>>完整场景
Years I've got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings here in the exercise yard are pretty slim.>>完整场景
A big rubber stamp slams down:
"REJECTED" in red ink. 10EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DUSK (1947) 10 High stone walls topped with snaky concertina wire, set off at intervals by looming guard towers. Over a hundred CONS are in the yard. Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals. Exercise period.>>完整场景
She cuts through the backyard of a house -- THE CAMERA TAKING OFF WITH HER -- over their fence, in the backyard over the fence into another yard. She trips, falling into the other house's swimming pool. Instead of splashing around, the Bride swims like she was in the Olympics, till she's in the shallow end. Without breaking her stride, she runs out of the pool.>>完整场景
A very homey three-bedroom house in the affluent suburb of Pasadena, California. A purple Dodge Neon sits parked in the driveway. A tricylce, a big wheel, and a few toys sprinkle the grass on the front yard. A mailbox with the name "The BELLS" on it sits out in front of the lawn. We hear but don't see ice cream truck bells.>>完整场景
So that means that the KKK rides up into your yard, you don't have anything to defend yourself with.>>完整场景
Across the street kids are running through a sprinkler that chugs in the yard.>>完整场景
Diggin graves in the back yard didn't bring any.>>完整场景
...Here last week they found this couple out in California they would rent out rooms to old people and then kill em and bury em in the yard and cash their social security checks.>>完整场景
So far, just a female inmate loose in the yard.>>完整场景