
n. 合伙人;伙伴;配偶


Pearlie... Palu-li-la-la-lulu... Parlili... Parsnip... Parsley... Partner... - Parley?>>完整场景
(without looking back) Sit down, Tom. Have you heard about our friend and partner, Mr.>>完整场景
(continuing) There's three million dollars on that table. I'm going to lie down, maybe take a nap. When I wake up, if it's still there, I'll know I have a partner. If it's gone, then I'll know I don't.>>完整场景
(shouting to his partner, in uniform) Stutz! Watch out, Stutz!>>完整场景
Then you have to trace it. Michael, people here look at me as a reliable man. I can't afford not to be looked on as a reliable man. But you know all that; there's nothing you can learn from me. You shouldn't have to put up with a sick old man as a partner.>>完整场景
He turns to Michael, turning the volume higher on the television, and moving closer to his young partner.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE PAVILION - FULL VIEW - DAY The orchestra has struck up a "Paul Jones," where two concentric circles of young people march in opposite directions, until the music stops. Then they take whomever is opposite them as their new dance partner.>>完整场景
You need a legitimate partner here, Glen.>>完整场景
You need a legitimate partner here.>>完整场景
We need a legitimate partner in power here.>>完整场景
DREW (CONT'D) You guys grab a pillow for a partner, while I find some slow music.>>完整场景
The goal of this drill is not to hurt your partner. Just try to tap his chest.>>完整场景
In this exercise, you try to touch your partner's chest lightly, and your partner tries to block.>>完整场景
I want to go over some takedowns before we end for the day. I'll need a partner... He scans the group, and then points to Drew. Drew smiles ruefully, walks to the front and bows to D.S.>>完整场景
Press each of your legs like this for 4 hours That's all it takes Alright OK boys, you're under arrest, the jail's that way Take it easy partner I've got everything under control Yeah, move it Alright come on What do they call you son?>>完整场景
The money Hey, you are good Thanks partner, when are you going to teach me What?>>完整场景
Some partner I got.>>完整场景
“I can’t say that I’m fond of your partner,” she said to Augustus. He had talked the girls out of some chicken gizzards and was eating them off a plate.>>完整场景
One day he walked in and sat down in a chair, the usual look of amusement on his face. Lorena assumed he was going to take his boots off and she went over to the bed, but when she looked around he was sitting there, one foot on the other knee, twirling the rowel of his spur. He always wore spurs, although it was not often she saw him on horseback. Once in a while, in the early morning, the bawling of cattle or the nickering of horses would awaken her and she would look out the window and see him and his partner and a gang of riders trailing their stock through the low brush to the east of town.>>完整场景
The funny thing about Woodrow Call was how hard he was to keep in scale. He wasn’t a big man—in fact, was barely middle-sized—but when you walked up and looked him in the eye it didn’t seem that way. Augustus was four inches taller than his partner, and Pea Eye three inches taller yet, but there was no way you could have convinced Pea Eye that Captain Call was the short man. Call had him buffaloed, and in that respect Pea had plenty of company. If a man meant tohold his own with Call it was necessary to keep in mind that Call wasn’t as big as he seemed. Augustus was the one man in south Texas who could usually keep him in scale, and he built on his advantage whenever he could. He started many a day by pitching Call a hot biscuit and remarking point-blank, “You know, Call, you ain’t really no giant.” A simple heart like Pea could never understand such behavior. It gave Augustus a laugh sometimes to consider that Call could hoodwink a man nearly twice his size, getting Pea to confuse the inner with the outer man. But of course Call himself had such a single-track mind that he scarcely realized he was doing it. He just did it. What made it a fascinating trick was that Call had never noticed that he had a trick. The man never wasted five minutes appreciating himself; it would have meant losing five minutes off whatever job he had decided he wanted to get done that day.>>完整场景
His stubborn partner, Captain W. F. Call, maintained that there was excellent shade as close as Pickles Gap, only twelve miles away, but Augustus wouldn’t allow it. Pickles Gap was if anything a more worthless community than Lonesome Dove. It had only sprung up because a fool from north Georgia named Wesley Pickles had gotten himself and his family lost in the mesquites for about ten days. When he finally found a clearing, he wouldn’t leave it, and Pickles Gap came into being, mainly attracting travelers like its founder, which is to say people too weak-willed to be able to negotiate a few hundred miles of mesquite thicket without losing their nerve.>>完整场景
When they reached the top of the glacier, below the steep summit pitches, his climbing partner decided to turn back, so Doug climbed the rest of it alone, solo in the last few hundred feet of technical ice without a rope.>>完整场景
You could do it with your partner wherever you're at.>>完整场景
He was a very decent guy, as was his partner, Bo.>>完整场景
Agent Denham holds up the slip of yellow paper thatJordan gave to Donnie. And on Jordan’s look... JORDAN (V.O.) Donnie Azoff, my partner. My bestfriend.>>完整场景