n. 年;历年;年度
- over the years the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.>> 66-Sweet as Honey
- There are two harvests a year here.>> 5. Giving General information
- This city has a history of over 3000 years.>> 5. Giving General information
- All employees can get year-end bonus.>> 60-The Future
- ' That's why Warren Buffett's dedication and commitment every year to Glide is so significant.>> 53-Hot Snake
- An elementary school is a school where children are taught for the first six or sometimes eight years of their education.>> 51-Reward for Virtue
- Senior Software Engineer with a focus on remote work. Proficient in Ruby on Rails. Expertise spans 6 years in Ruby on Rails development, contributing to B2C financial solutions and data engineering.>> Jobs and 履历 resume or curriculum vitae (cv)
- I was stationed in Okinawa for four years, and you guys have been nothing but nice to me. to keep an eye out on Chinese people like me.>> 41-Do You Call That a Hat
- Introduce yourself:
- Nice to meet you. Thank your for calling me for the job interview. My name is Hw, and I am from Wh. I have graduated from HuaZhong Agriculture University for twenty years now. My major is Computer Science and Technology. I have been working in my major since leaving school. My last job was as a software developer with ruby on rails at Wuhan Mawei Technology Company, and I had been working there for more than six years. This is a startup company, and I am a partner of it. We have established some websites and Wechat mini programs . we also developed an android App. The vast majority of the work was completed by me.>> Jobs and 履历 resume or curriculum vitae (cv)
- You've got the brains.You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life.You can grow immensely in the next few years.You can make your dreams come true.You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy, you can become powerful. Why not you?>> Why not you? why not now?
- his hard early years>> 31-Success Story
- Second, it came quickly, By the time Itomi and her family went back to Japan, at the end of the year her English was closing in on the way the other children in the neighborhood were talking.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- So I remember going up to the little girl next door.she was four years old. her name was Itomi. And I didn't know about this material on language acquisition. Nobody did.And I thought that the way you get people to acquire language is you get them to practice talking. So I tried to get her to talk. so I'd say: 'Itomi, talk to me!' 'Say good morning','say hi', No response.Well, clearly, I've decided , I've got to make this more concrete."Itomi, say ball", No response.Well obviously, I've got to break it down into its component parts.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- My experience took place in 1974, when I was briefly living in exile from California, working at the City University of New York at Queens Collage as director of English as a second language. And like everyone else in New York we lived in a big apartment building. And the apartment next door to use was owned by a Japanese company. And every year there would be a new family in the apartment.And every year there were the children who couldn't speak English.And there I was: director of English as a second language.I will teach English to these children and brag about it to my friends.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- 3:
- Finally, encourage by asking a question and letting them take the lead in the conversation. For example, you might say, "I imagine it's far more pleasant this time of year. Do you usually stay in the center of Paris?">> ARE chat formula
- each year, every time>> 8-The Best and the Worst
- the late Rubyist Jason Seifer, who we lost seven years ago.
我们七年前失去了已故的鲁布主义者杰森·塞弗。>> 95-A Fantasy- CHUCKIE:
- Guy's been up my ass for two years about a f***in' job. I had to let him help with the car.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Twenty years of counseling you see a lot of-->> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- He pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him. And for 20 years he's been alone because of that. And if you try to push him into this, it's going to be the same thing all over again. And I'm not going to let that happen to him!>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- It'd be a f***in' insult to us if you're still here in twenty years.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way, but in 20 years, if you're livin' next door to me, comin' over watchin' the f***in' Patriots' games and still workin' construction, I'll f***in' kill you.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Yeah, sit in a room and do long division for the next fifty years.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- I can't believe it's taken me four years to meet you and I'm going to California in two months, Will.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Instead you're going to bust your ass for five years so you can be broke?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script