
adj. 确定的,肯定的;积极的;正的,阳性的;绝对的;实际的,真实的


- Positive.>>完整场景
So God forbid I try to say something proactive and positive.>>完整场景
Uh, there's a lovely "homey" quality to the relationship, and, uh, you know, it's a positive thing, isn't it?>>完整场景
- Positive.>>完整场景
The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane.>>完整场景
There's only one way to be positive. I need to see some droppings.>>完整场景
I would call our relationship with China very positive... and complex.>>完整场景
No idea, actually, but I just think that "minimal" is a more positive way to sell it.>>完整场景
The American Journal of Medicine has found that laughter... increases secretion of catecholamines and endorphins... which in turn increases oxygenation of the blood, relaxes the arteries... speeds up the heart, decreases blood pressure... which has a positive effect on all cardiovascular and respiratory ailments... as well as overall increasing the immune system response.>>完整场景
And has this produced any positive results?>>完整场景
Am l pregnant ? l can't tell, do two lines mean positive ?>>完整场景
l think it's positive.>>完整场景
We have to think positive.>>完整场景
Phipps wants to keep her positive and willing.>>完整场景
Then types into her chat: “Confirm PID -Abdullah Al-Hady.” 141 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 141 SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am, Hawaii5 confirms Positive ID on Abdullah Al-Hady.>>完整场景
MAJOR OWITI: Yes... We need a positive ID.>>完整场景
MAJOR OWITI: Yes, Ma’am... COLONEL POWELL: And I cannot authorize a strike without a Positive ID... MAJOR OWITI: I understand that... COLONEL POWELL: Then I believe we need to accept the risk and send someone in. Can you do it?>>完整场景
LUCY (O.S.) North20, Hawaii5 confirms positive ID’s on Muhammad Abdisalaam and Rasheed Hamud.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: (into a headset) Hawaii5, North20, looks like we have Sea Hawk, but I’d like a positive ID.>>完整场景
- Positive.>>完整场景
It's a positive review.>>完整场景
Let's think positive or next time I'll play the FM version.>>完整场景
"Cheryl refuses to accept suggestions... "of a more positive mental attitude... "towards her health and her future.>>完整场景
We're accentuating the positive today, I don't have a mind for anything else.>>完整场景
40 centimeters on the positive X axis?>>完整场景