
n. 炊具;厨房;炊事人员


KAFFEE walks into the kitchen without a word.>>完整场景
INT. KAFFEE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Among the stuff, is a blackboard that's been hung on the wall. Written across the top are three headings: INTENT CODE RED THE ORDER Sam is on the floor, sorting papers into piles. KAFFEE comes in from the kitchen with a fresh bottle of Yoo-Hoo and joins Sam on the floor.>>完整场景
But the boys in the kitchen are calling it NZT 48.>>完整场景
You could have a kitchen like that someday.>>完整场景
The whole kitchen will smell like piss.>>完整场景
Years in the kibbutz kitchen.>>完整场景
Back to the kitchen.>>完整场景
Betsy gets something out of her bag and joins Lipsky in the kitchen.>>完整场景
Laughter. Lipsky gets up to go to the kitchen which is visible from the living room.>>完整场景
David goes to put on water. We STAY on Lipsky, casually studying the room with the eye of a journalist, taking in the grad-student-like accoutrements: cramped cinder-block bookshelves; hodgepodge of furniture, an ALANIS MORISSETTE POSTER conspicuously on the wall. Lipsky, glancing out the window at the wintry landscape, raises his voice to converse with David, who’s in the kitchen.>>完整场景
542. The pitch made me itch. I pitched the switch into the ditch around the kitchen.>>完整场景
391 SELENA 391 blows through a swinging door into the kitchen, slamminginto a Hispanic maid, who's coming to investigate allthe noise. Both women tumble. Selena gets right backon her feet. She breaks out a window with the crowbar and exits onto a fire escape as Gordy blasts in from thedining room.>>完整场景
The house has no ceilings, and from up in the darkened rafters the beetle follows AMADU out of the kitchen and into: 129 INT. LIVING ROOM - AMADU’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON 129 The beetle in the rafters watches AMADU as he enters the living room with the tray of dates and glasses of zam zam.>>完整场景
POWELL watches the image as the beetle enters the kitchen and rises quickly into the wooden rafters.>>完整场景
128 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 128 POWELL watches her screen as Amadu leaves the kitchen.>>完整场景
127 INT. KITCHEN - AMADU’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON 127 AMADU picks up the tray and exits the kitchen.>>完整场景
He crosses to a kitchen counter where A HOME COOKED MEAL on a simple plate has been covered and set aside for him.>>完整场景
This scene was formerly scene 13.) STEVE, showered and wrapped in a towel, enters an open-plan living room / kitchen area from a hallway.>>完整场景
16 INT. KITCHEN - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - DAWN 16 POWELL pours milk into a bowl of cereal at her kitchen table, claiming her space back.>>完整场景
POWELL pats the dog’s head, goes to the kitchen tap and drinks some water. A routine.>>完整场景
5 INT. KITCHEN - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 5 POWELL, still in her pyjamas but now also in slippers and a dressing gown, enters the kitchen.>>完整场景
Where will we find sacred balm in a kitchen?>>完整场景
Wait. Does this castle have a kitchen?>>完整场景
96 Johnny sits at the little table in the kitchen eating his 96 pasta.>>完整场景
95 INT. JOHNNY’S ROOM KITCHEN - EVENING 95 Johnny makes himself pasta in the little kitchen.>>完整场景