
n. 小瓶;药水瓶


JORDAN (V.O.) Every chance we got, we’d sneakoff together... We PULL 88 89 INT. LIMOSINE - NIGHT (AUG ‘92) 89 Giggling like a child, Jordan pours coke from a vial, creating a little mound atop one of Naomi’s breasts.
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Hanna slips the vial into his pocket as HECTOR, thetuxedoed Maitre’D, approaches.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
The GIRL taps out some coke from a vial onto ASHLEIGH's chest and starts passing around a rolled up 20-dollar bill for everyone to have a turn and she herself will unbutton her shirt too for the same purpose. All this while SEAN is talking,
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BRUCE very carefully pours yellow liquid into a glass vial.
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Also in the box, is one COMPACT REFRIGERATOR CASE. She opens it, inside are 2 BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE GOLD SYRINGES and 1 VIAL OF FLUID.
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OF A SYRINGE NEEDLE STUCK IN A VIAL The liquid is drawn up into the syringe.
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